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2009 Interview Weekend - Info & Questions

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Well, you aren't going to have a name from the Qu'ran unless you are of Muslim origin. Similarly, you aren't going to have a name from Hindi or some other South Asian language unless you're South Asian.


I am lumping those names together because I'm curious as to the ethnic makeup of the class, as I suggested in my original post.


My questions about diversity related to the ethnic makeup of the class, as I stated.


name from the Quran? are you even sane? I would suggest you to speak with knowledge. Muslims do not necessarily have names from "Quran." Quran is not a name book. Many Arab Christians/Jews have names that come off as "Muslim" names. These kind of gross, inaccurate and uneducated generalizations can potentially harm your role as a physician and make you appear childish.


I have come across Muslim reverts who retain their "Anglo-Saxon" names. Based on your inaccurate method to determine "diversity of the class" I would be totally wronged.

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name from the Quran? are you even sane? I would suggest you to speak with knowledge. Muslims do not necessarily have names from "Quran." Quran is not a name book. Many Arab Christians/Jews have names that come off as "Muslim" names. These kind of gross, inaccurate and uneducated generalizations can potentially harm your role as a physician and make you appear childish.


I have come across Muslim reverts who retain their "Anglo-Saxon" names. Based on your inaccurate method to determine "diversity of the class" I would be totally wronged.




The point was that there are a lot of names that sound Muslim. There are >1 billion Muslims in the world; there are a handful of Arab Christians and Jews with non anglicized names. Are you sane to suggest that my statement is not going to be true for most cases?


I don't care if you have a problem with me pointing this out, and I think you're a fool that you've generalized that this is going to potentially harm my role as a physician.


Get your rabid PC crap out of my face, seriously. I didn't say anything inappropriate.

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no it's not half...it's pretty much an even split between all groups...ur fascination with the matter bedazzles me

also pretty much none of the names which u consider "muslim" are mentioned in the Qur'an....the broad generalization speaks volumes tho...



edit: muslim is not an origin...it's a religion..there's muslims all over the world from fiji to chile to taiwan...another note: arabic names do not imply a certain faith...there's many more flaws with ur logic but that's all i care to comment on right now


You didn't read my post.


I said that if your name is mentioned in the Qu'ran, it's a safe bet that you come from a Muslim origin. I didn't say the mentioned names did.


A lot of those names originate from groups where a vast majority of the people would be Muslims.


Muslim is an origin. I did not say Muslim race. If you originate from Muslims ancestors, you are of Muslim origin.

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You didn't read my post.


I said that if your name is mentioned in the Qu'ran, it's a safe bet that you come from a Muslim origin. I didn't say the mentioned names did.


A lot of those names originate from groups where a vast majority of the people would be Muslims.


Muslim is an origin. I did not say Muslim race. If you originate from Muslims ancestors, you are of Muslim origin.



Just to keep the facts straight - being Muslim does not define a race or origin. A Muslim is someone who submits themselves to one God.


Do refrain from making incorrect generalizations that you have no knowledge of.


Perhaps focusing energy on what the Queen's experience is like and what the medical school has to offer might be a more fruitful discussion.


If you do have an interview, then you can come find out for yourself.

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Just to keep the facts straight - being Muslim does not define a race or origin. A Muslim is someone who submits themselves to one God.



I agree, but unfortunately this stuff gets tricky. 'Christian' is not a race or origin, but in many instances, 'Jewish' is. 'Muslim' has a connotation of a certain shared heritage in the West, but in Arab nations, it is simply a religion.

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Sooo... now that this thread is completely off topic...


Does anyone actually know what this 'written assignment' pertains to? I assume its some sort of essay? Or is it another confidentiality restricted topic? I'd just like to prepare somewhat cause I tend to blank out for a good few minutes in situations like that :P

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Hi everyone,


Let's get this thread back on track, focusing on answering questions related to the interview weekend. We, the class of 2012, are very excited about welcoming you next weekend (and showing you the video that has been worked on and filmed this week)! We think that you will have a great experience in Kingston and at Queen's, and encourage you to ask any questions regarding the weekend that you may have, in order to make it the best experience possible!


Thanks, and have a great weekend.



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I was just wondering how parking works on campus --> if my interview is on the Friday, where would be the closest parking spot to the interview location...should I park on campus or inside Kingston General?


Parking on campus during the week is limited. You can park for up to three hours at the meters on the road, but beware - if you stay longer than you've paid for, you are very likely to get a ticket. You also have the option of parking in the shared KGH/Queen's lot, but that is quite expensive.


Are you familiar with Queen's and Kingston? Your cheapest option is to park on west campus (free), and take the free shuttle over to main campus. Other cheaper options include parking on one of the streets at 10-15 min walk away from campus (also free). There is one city lot that is at the corner of West and Ontario that is quite a bit cheaper than the on campus lot (and about a 5 min walk). If you are going to park there, take loonies and toonies with you, as the machine only takes cash.


Best wishes with your interview!


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Does anyone actually know what this 'written assignment' pertains to? I assume its some sort of essay? Or is it another confidentiality restricted topic? I'd just like to prepare somewhat cause I tend to blank out for a good few minutes in situations like that :P


No information has been released on the written assignment. Sorry.


Best wishes with your interview!



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Hi, I need to skedaddle as soon as possible after my interview (assignments due at the beginning of the week and I'm short on time for it), I was wondering when would be a polite time for me to leave? I've been to interviews in the states, so at this point I know that all schools/interview days/hospitals are just about the same everywhere so I really don't mind missing out on some of the events; but I also don't want to be the guy that is there for the interview and then disappears. My interview is at 8:45 btw.

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Hi, I need to skedaddle as soon as possible after my interview (assignments due at the beginning of the week and I'm short on time for it), I was wondering when would be a polite time for me to leave? I've been to interviews in the states, so at this point I know that all schools/interview days/hospitals are just about the same everywhere so I really don't mind missing out on some of the events; but I also don't want to be the guy that is there for the interview and then disappears. My interview is at 8:45 btw.


There is no obligation to particiate in any of the activities that occur after your interview. We hope they will help you get a better indication of what it is like to be a student at Queen's, so that you will have additional information to make your decision of which medical school to attend. That said, if you have to leave right after your interview, it will not affect your chances of being admitted to Queen's.



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Elaine - thanks for the info re: parking. I've managed to get in contact with a friend so I'll just be using her driveway (which is 5-10 minutess away, but apparently everything in Kingston is so close to each other anyway that it doesn't matter=B)


I have a question in terms of scheduling: I'm currently scheduled for an interview at 1:50pm, but I'd also like to attend the lunch at 12:20pm. Does anyone know how long this lunch session will be? (according to the schedule there are also some speeches/movie presentation..would it be rude if I skipped those if necessary ?) I'm just worried that I won't arrive in time at the clinical learning center for 1:05pm.




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Elaine - thanks for the info re: parking. I've managed to get in contact with a friend so I'll just be using her driveway (which is 5-10 minutess away, but apparently everything in Kingston is so close to each other anyway that it doesn't matter=B)


I have a question in terms of scheduling: I'm currently scheduled for an interview at 1:50pm, but I'd also like to attend the lunch at 12:20pm. Does anyone know how long this lunch session will be? (according to the schedule there are also some speeches/movie presentation..would it be rude if I skipped those if necessary ?) I'm just worried that I won't arrive in time at the clinical learning center for 1:05pm.





You are welcome to go to lunch, and then leave early if necessary. Several people had to do the same last year, and that was completely understandable. It would be great if you are able to go to hear even some of the welcoming addresses. They will help you get a feel for the medical school, and how much the faculty cares about us and our education.


The lunch is under a 5 minute walk from the Clinical Education Centre.


Best wishes this weekend.


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I have an interview at 1:10 on March 1st. So I was wondering if I could come to the lunch on the day before to see the presentations? (And get free food?)


Absolutely! We think that you will benefit from the different presentations, so if your interview time means that you can't make it on the day of your interview, please feel free to come on an alternative day.



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  • 2 weeks later...
I understand that you can bring family to the events. Does boyfriend count as 'family'? :D And can he come to all of the events (lunch/speech/dinner/med house)?


Thanks :)


One the weekend I was there people did all of the above!


The only event apparantely they cannot go to is the interview itself :)

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I understand that you can bring family to the events. Does boyfriend count as 'family'? :D And can he come to all of the events (lunch/speech/dinner/med house)?


Thanks :)


Yes, please feel free to bring your boyfriend to all of these events!



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