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Best way from Toronto to London? (not by car)

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hmm interesting... the thing is I save $40 if I take greyhound, is the bus ride that bad? Was it really worth taking rail over bus?


I've taken the bus many times and it's been just fine. I usually just sleep along the way, so it's not all that bad. If you get the London express bus, it won't take too long, 2 hours or so.

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I'v taken the greyhound bus so many times and as long as you go for the right one with 2hr something duration (sitting in a greyhound bus for any longer then 3 hr can be painful) you will be okay.... just go early to the terminal b/c somtimes th TO->London one have too many ppl and they just tell you to take the next bus instead of bringing a 2nd bus. (London->TO terminal mostly brings a 2nd bus even with only few ppl)


But if you don't mind paying a bit of extra money (I think if you book early you can save quite a bit) go for the via rail b/c it's way more spacious and there will be NO DELAY.

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