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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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obviously we are not fully back yet though, but we are pushing :)


rmorelan, it is essential that you have equal authority to Ian as Administrator. Something I suggested ages ago but it is critical.


I missed our home sooo much and am willing to make a financial contribution to ensure this episode does not continue to repeat itself.


Having said this, it is noteworthy that Lee, Adminstrator of http://www.studentdoctor.net went out of his way to accommodate us premed101.com guys and he even set up a new Canadian Section for us. We owe Lee and studentdoctor.net a Huge Thank You :P for all their amazing help and support.


ALSO, guys you should know that ww.studentdoctor.net is our default website in case of breakdown again. They are not trying to compete with or copy us, merely to support us in our time of need.

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3 midterms out of 7 done.. head/thorax/cardiovascular anatomy Monday, then physiology & genetics the week after. Can't wait for March break!!


I went back to the gym this week (obviously no work on the left side). So nice! And I can tie my hair up (with contortions) and put loose shirts over my head haha. We're working on getting my shoulder range of motion back in physio and it seems to be moving along nicely.


I missed pm101, but certainly was more productive during that time! (seeing as I don't really enjoy sdn I was just off my computer more) ;)

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3 midterms out of 7 done.. head/thorax/cardiovascular anatomy Monday, then physiology & genetics the week after. Can't wait for March break!!


I went back to the gym this week (obviously no work on the left side). So nice! And I can tie my hair up (with contortions) and put loose shirts over my head haha. We're working on getting my shoulder range of motion back in physio and it seems to be moving along nicely.


I missed pm101, but certainly was more productive during that time! (seeing as I don't really enjoy sdn I was just off my computer more) ;)


Oh you're going to enjoy the break -- very well deserved!


On another note, I have spent quite some time this week thinking about life and what I want out of it.

Maybe I am crazy, but sometimes I think that it's important to realize how often we say "I want" in a given day.

Yes, I want to be accepted into medicine. Yes, I want to travel to Paris and Tokyo. And yes, I want to get married one day, and possibly own a special pet in the future. And I wish so badly I could have my Jasmine back.

But, somewhere in the midst of past and future wishes, there lives the present.

And I'm sad to say that I've nearly forgotten about today.

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Oh you're going to enjoy the break -- very well deserved!


On another note, I have spent quite some time this week thinking about life and what I want out of it.

Maybe I am crazy, but sometimes I think that it's important to realize how often we say "I want" in a given day.

Yes, I want to be accepted into medicine. Yes, I want to travel to Paris and Tokyo. And yes, I want to get married one day, and possibly own a special pet in the future. And I wish so badly I could have my Jasmine back.

But, somewhere in the midst of past and future wishes, there lives the present.

And I'm sad to say that I've nearly forgotten about today.


So true! I have a "want list" as well obviously (like finding a significant other that's right for me and getting a house and pet too), but I do try to live in the present and take pleasure of each day as it passes. Otherwise you wake up one day and realize you've wasted years of your life aiming for some goal that lasts too little time.


I think this applies to med school as well... The process to get to med school, to get to residency is just as important.

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Yay for reading week! I have successfully slept in for two days in a row! (that hasn't happened since the christmas break!).. Well, starting tomorrow I am getting back on the study schedule, but at least there is no pressure this week, which is a nice change.


Great to see PM101 back.. although SDnet is nice, it is just not the same!:)

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Other than this site I don't have a way of contacting Ian Wong - which is obviously I bit silly :)


I am not sure if this is why it restarted but eventually I tracked down the hosting company and pushed up the food chain to the someone I could actually convince there was as issue.


obviously we are not fully back yet though, but we are pushing :)


What was the issue Rob? It has been down quite a few times now.

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What was the issue Rob? It has been down quite a few times now.


looks like a complete server crash to me - hard to be completely sure without the logs. It appears the mysql server is up and running (good) but the table holding PM was corrupted in the crash (bad). The table can likely be repaired, or at least a backup and restore it but that will have to wait.


I tracked down the server the site is run on, tranced back to the admins and requested support for the failure. Sorry that took so long - I am on gen surg right now and thus a bit sluggish. 12 hours after the request the system started working again - could be just coincidental but seems unlikely. I have sent additional requests regarding PM but I suspect that is a higher level repair than I can get to as an outsider. I have requested they make direct contact with Ian as without PM we are a bit cut off!


Overall I think the system has become increasingly unstable - there are a variety of reasons that could be going on but such system tends to without repair become more unstable with time. I am sure however we will cut that off before it becomes an issue :)

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9 school days until March break!! Easy week this week, exam this afternoon but no more until next Monday & Friday! haha so looking forward to next week :/


National university swim championships are in Montreal this week so I'm gonna try to drop by the pool.. So many people (mostly coaches now) I know! And we have a cocktail for swim team alumni on Saturday which should be awesome as I'll get to see friends I haven't seen in years :D

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do share! flashchat later? sorry I missed your message last night!


Hmmm wondering how much to divulge but basically, today showed me the importance of working with a medical team to make such important, ethical decisions, but still being a leader as a physician. You are not alone (just like the MJ song).


And sure thing! FC later sounds great :)

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