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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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Got to get all my assignments in buy midnight tonight- can't believe I missed the sex worker thread! gotta go back and read it. I wish I could ive her advice, but too late.


Thread started and closed in 8hrs? That's gotta be a new record. Or all-time low... or both. Not sure which. People need to learn to play nice in the sandbox and even if they don't agree to at least not throw sand at each other.....


How are you enjoying PPB kylamonkey? I hope it ends up working for you!:)

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Thanks for the well-wishes, cnb. I hope you're well too. PPB is happily plodding along- have to wait a few more months to see if it works, though. :)


Upset stomach. I really do think I have a tofu allergy. Hope I can get some sleep, ugh.


I have a soy sensitivity, my only food sensitivity. I was vegan for a number of years and really, this was one of the things that made me reconsider. Not sure if this will help, but I found that I have to eat lots of carbs along with my soy products, otherwise my stomach rebels. It didn't start until a few years into vegetarianism. I'm not sure if it's common or not. :(

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Going to see Titanic 3D in theatres today' date=' I am so exited! This will be the first time I will see it in theatres as I was only 6 when it originally screened back in 1997.[/quote']


Hope its good! I'm going to see it early next week. I never actually saw the original :D

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Hope its good! I'm going to see it early next week. I never actually saw the original :D


I've never actually been able to sit through the whole thing. I end up getting bored (when it's been on TV) and switching stations and watching something else. "I'll never let go!"..... *lets go* :rolleyes:


Saw the Hunger Games tonight. Thought it was... "meh". Good for a night out but not "OMG AMAZING" like people have been saying it is. I wonder if the book is any better. Because it seemed like the movie really missed out on what I'd assume to be major plot points (based on the plot summary on wikipedia that is.....). Maybe after finals I'll borrow the books from someone to see if it's as good as people say it is.

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I have a soy sensitivity, my only food sensitivity. I was vegan for a number of years and really, this was one of the things that made me reconsider. Not sure if this will help, but I found that I have to eat lots of carbs along with my soy products, otherwise my stomach rebels. It didn't start until a few years into vegetarianism. I'm not sure if it's common or not. :(


Hmm thank you for the advice, Ky! I did have carbs last night as well, so it does not seem to compensate. Basically, the same sort of thing happens every time I eat soya products:


1. Eat soya product(s)

2. Enjoy 1 or 2 pain-free hours

3. Feel rumbling in my tummy

4. Endure stomach pains for 6+ hours

5. Resolve to quit soya products

6. Repeat step 1 due to lack of veggie options


But today, the force is strong with #5.


I've never actually been able to sit through the whole thing. I end up getting bored (when it's been on TV) and switching stations and watching something else. "I'll never let go!"..... *lets go* :rolleyes:


Saw the Hunger Games tonight. Thought it was... "meh". Good for a night out but not "OMG AMAZING" like people have been saying it is. I wonder if the book is any better. Because it seemed like the movie really missed out on what I'd assume to be major plot points (based on the plot summary on wikipedia that is.....). Maybe after finals I'll borrow the books from someone to see if it's as good as people say it is.


cnb, I think you're totally right because my boyfriend said the exact same thing and he did not read the book, I did.

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Hmm thank you for the advice, Ky! I did have carbs last night as well, so it does not seem to compensate. Basically, the same sort of thing happens every time I eat soya products:


1. Eat soya product(s)

2. Enjoy 1 or 2 pain-free hours

3. Feel rumbling in my tummy

4. Endure stomach pains for 6+ hours

5. Resolve to quit soya products

6. Repeat step 1 due to lack of veggie options


But today, the force is strong with #5.


It's probably a good idea to quit, it's more important to treat your body right. Try wheat gluten products as a substitute in recipes that call for tofu, such as vegetarian pad thai.




(I assume you don't have a gluten allergy since you bake often :P).


I know it sounds kind of weird and disgusting, but I eat it with noodles and its actually quite delicious.

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I second this, seitan is awesome (and very easy to make). I would be so sad if I had a soy allergy - I am in love with tofu & TEMPEH. I love tempeh.





It's probably a good idea to quit, it's more important to treat your body right. Try wheat gluten products as a substitute in recipes that call for tofu, such as vegetarian pad thai.




(I assume you don't have a gluten allergy since you bake often :P).


I know it sounds kind of weird and disgusting, but I eat it with noodles and its actually quite delicious.

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I have a chance to take a great trip on May 21st, 10 days before the MCAT. It would end up being a no-study, sightseeing day. 7 in the morning to 5 at night.


$20 for the "Yukoner Special" (people with YT drivers license) on the White Pass train to Skagway. Reg price $135. One day only.



Should I go, or is that "prime time" and I would just end up stressing?

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I have a chance to take a great trip on May 21st, 10 days before the MCAT. It would end up being a no-study, sightseeing day. 7 in the morning to 5 at night.


$20 for the "Yukoner Special" (people with YT drivers license) on the White Pass train to Skagway. Reg price $135. One day only.



Should I go, or is that "prime time" and I would just end up stressing?


I would go. One day won't make much if any difference. Might even be helpful

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Today marked the conclusion of my fourth year thesis project and presentation. I was a ball of nerves last night constantly drifting in and out of sleep because I had never presented in front of a crowd of professors + graduate students + undergraduates and was worrying over my presentation and the possible questions that may be asked. Needless to say, I think I did fairly well today! I was a few seconds under the allotted time (moderator for my session seemed pretty happy about that) and was able to answer the questions that were asked. Also, managed to get a really nice compliment from my supervisor aftwards about my presentation as well :D With this out of the way, it's exam cramming time :P

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I have a chance to take a great trip on May 21st, 10 days before the MCAT. It would end up being a no-study, sightseeing day. 7 in the morning to 5 at night.


$20 for the "Yukoner Special" (people with YT drivers license) on the White Pass train to Skagway. Reg price $135. One day only.



Should I go, or is that "prime time" and I would just end up stressing?

two days before my mcat I went out with friends to watch Horrible Bosses- everyone was shocked that I wasn't cramming. I think it was a good choice though - I hadn't laughed so hard in quite a while- the stress can really get to you. And I ended up doing just fine :)

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After reading some of the comments (or attacks rather) on some of the threads, I think it's time I rehash this: http://premed101.com/forums/showthread.php?t=46324 for comments as opposed to spam. lol



Been really tired lately. Not exactly conducive to studying... I think I need to start going/buying Starbucks coffee everyday. Maybe that'll actually keep me kind of awake:rolleyes:

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ben Bernanke. public enemy number 1. This guy is literally robbing the american people of 10s of trillions of dollars (yes thats trillion with a t). when will the people take their head out of their asses?


I agree. How he gets the fed job when he helped orchestrate the friggin mess they are in it beyond me.

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I wish I could do this year over. It's taken me pretty much until now to figure out what different types of study methods work better for various types of courses.


Sometimes is flash cards, sometimes its writing mini essays about material in my own word while interjecting examples to create a visual reality, sometimes its just grinding it out and some times its just doing lots and lots of practice and sample questions.


Learning HOW to study and learn again has been one of my biggest challenges this year but I am excited for summer school and next year to begin :)


Btw, I didn't do badly at all but I know I could have done much better!

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