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Since western is not sending e-mails but instead mailing out letters (correct me if I'm wrong), does that mean we will get our mail on Friday or that some of us will have to wait until next week depending on our current address?

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you are wrong. wake up expecting an email. and good luck to you!! It's been a long ride, I hope Friday brings you good news!


actually dante you are wrong, the western email THIS year says specifically no results will be delivered over the phone OR by email.

I'm guessing they will be sent Xpresspost on the friday, but possibly wont arrive until tuesday (monday is a holiday). good luck to all

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actually dante you are wrong, the western email THIS year says specifically no results will be delivered over the phone OR by email.

I'm guessing they will be sent Xpresspost on the friday, but possibly wont arrive until tuesday (monday is a holiday). good luck to all


I obviously didn't see the e-mail this year; however, last year Western also told us that we wouldn't get our results by e-mail. However, on May 16 (due to a computer glitch), I received an e-mail that said their was an offer in the mail. So, while the offer technically came by mail, I did get e-mail notification of my acceptance.


Best wishes to all waiting!


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Another quick question --


Until which date do you still have a reasonable chance/'hope' of coming off the waitlist? I mean, I am aware that sometimes last minute changes necessitate an offer being made late in August as well, but those are really rare cases.


Thank you :)


... 2 more days :eek: ...

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Another quick question --


Until which date do you still have a reasonable chance/'hope' of coming off the waitlist? I mean, I am aware that sometimes last minute changes necessitate an offer being made late in August as well, but those are really rare cases.


Thank you :)


... 2 more days :eek: ...


If I remember correctly... there is a 'good' flow after firm and conditional acceptances are firm, roughly till the end of June, followed by a buffer, and trickling following in July and a little less in August, and the rare case end of August and early September.

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The email has for the past 2 years (not including this year) from personal experience stated that no information will be sent by email, but come May 15th, we have all received emails informing us that we have been given an offer of admission (which will 'officially' follow in the mail) or are offered a spot on the waiting list. When I was applying, students from previous years had stated that the same thing was the case, so I would expect an email on Friday. Last year, like elaine mentioned, there was a computer glitch which resulted in a one day delay for email notifications, and the office was too busy with convocation (as it again will be this year) to address/realize there was a problem.


As far as the waitlist is concerned, I know people who have been accepted in mid-late August, and have heard rumors on these boards that officially, should someone drop out within the first month, a spot will open up to someone on the waitlist. When the peak flow of waitlist offers happens though... your guess is as good as mine.


my apologies to the OP; I should have written: "that's what they told you, but they've lied" ... but that's not nearly as entertaining to read... or is it...

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....no. lol


Okay, I have a question. On the 15th, do only 147 acceptances get sent out, or do they send out more based on a projected number of people who decline the acceptance?


Only as many acceptances as there are spots in the class. As people decline (decline Western? Say it ain't so!) then new offers go out.

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my apologies to the OP; I should have written: "that's what they told you, but they've lied" ... but that's not nearly as entertaining to read... or is it...




Ya, they've done this since 2005. I've never quite figured out why. If memory serves, they don't actually send an "offer" email. It's technically a "we will be mailing you an offer" email. For all intents and purposes it's the same thing, but I guess from a strict, legalistic point of view they're not lying. ;)

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I got an email today asking for verification of my parents income (for the schulich scholarship) to be faxed in tonight so that "accurate scholarship offers can be made at the same time as your offer of admission" :o ummmmm is this a sneaky way of telling me I'm in????? Did anyone else who applied for that scholarship get a similar email???

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if you get an e-mail asking about the scholarship...it means you're getting rejected like me :) ...just kidding?!


the first reaction i had was "this is good news", but i wouldn't look too much into it...its hard to say without knowing how the system works...i.e. do they def. give the finanical aid office these forms after they have accepted or maybe waitlisted someone or is this done before (maybe because there's a low quantity of applicants and it gets done quicker?). this is all speculation..we'll just have to wait and see friday.


good luck!

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I think you should read into it, because it makes no sense to confirm the amounts for rejected applicants! Congrats in advance :D


In the past Western has not outright rejected applicants on May 15th, unless it was deemed by two of the interviewers that the applicant is unfit for medicine, which I don't think happens often. I've personally never heard of it happening.


I would try not to read into it at all, and would instead just wait until tomorrow. No point getting your hopes up when the scholarship people might just be getting everyone's stuff in order. No way to know. Pretty sure the schulich scholarship offers won't be mentioned in the email tomorrow anyways, just good news or waitlist news.


p.s. boourns to dermatology....

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What's wrong with dermatology?


hah, well just the annoyance of us having an in class derm quiz/test thing tomorrow morning and me being stuck studying for it tonight. Plus it's at 8:30 am, and I might have a little bit of a problem with showing up late almost every day....

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