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NB Waitlist

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I'd be interesting in hearing from any NB applicants who have been accepted and are planning on declining the offer. Thanks!


Even if you've made the waitlist and will be declining your offer, it'd be good to show your waitlist placement and that you'll be declining.


LawDoc, what's your waitlist placement?

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Hey, I'm trying to piece together waitlist placements. I know positions 11, 13, 18, and 9. I know position 9 will be turning down his position to go to MUN and that 18 and 13 are both waitlisted at MUN.


If possible could anyone post information they know about the waitlist positions and where else they're waitlisted? Better still, if you have an NB friend who's turning their seat down, please let us know :). Even if you have a friend who you know WON'T be turning their Dal seat down, that's useful.

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After doing some investigating trying to figure out who's going to Dal and who's going to MUN, as well as WL positions, it looks like at least 5 ppl will be turning down their acceptances at MUN, and at least 4 will be turning down their WL spots at MUN. At Dal, at least 4 people will be turning down their acceptances, and at least 2 people in single digits WL positions will be turning it down.


If you're interested, and would like to help me out with a list that I'm building, please PM me any info you've got about people who were accepted to Dal, or are in high position waitlist (position 10 or better). So far I've only been able to account for 12 NB acceptances and 5 high position waitlists. Every little bit helps :) and all info will be kept confidential (as has been exemplified above).

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Second business day after the deadline...Has anyone heard of any NB waitlist movement??


It seems like mum's the word in the Dal admissions office today. I haven't heard anything through the grapevines, and it doesn't look like there's been any movement at MUN either. Who knows what the reason is, but don't worry, medmommy. I know of 4 confirmed people who received acceptances who will be turning them down (and I only know 12 of the 20 ppl who were accepted). You'd may as well start looking for an apartment in Hali.

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It seems like mum's the word in the Dal admissions office today. I haven't heard anything through the grapevines, and it doesn't look like there's been any movement at MUN either. Who knows what the reason is, but don't worry, medmommy. I know of 4 confirmed people who received acceptances who will be turning them down (and I only know 12 of the 20 ppl who were accepted). You'd may as well start looking for an apartment in Hali.


Well thanks for letting me know! :) But I would feel so much better if I knew for sure (i.e. heard it directly from admissions) b/c I actually have to sell my house and buy a new place in Hali before September, plus hubby has to find a job. So lots to do! Thanks though...it does ease my mind a little. And good luck to you!

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Heh, I'll need it. After digging around, it's looking like come August 30th, I'll be sitting somewhere around position 2 on the waitlist. Classic "close but no cigar", rofl.


Oh, you never know! At the very least you'll have interview experience for next year! :)

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I just got off the phone with Tracy and she said that she's still going back and forth with a few people (I'm not 100% sure what she meant by that, but maybe still finalizing things with ppl who were orginally accepted?). She said that information about waitlist movement will be posted TOMORROW on the website.

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I just got off the phone with Tracy and she said that she's still going back and forth with a few people (I'm not 100% sure what she meant by that, but maybe still finalizing things with ppl who were orginally accepted?). She said that information about waitlist movement will be posted TOMORROW on the website.


Thanks for posting the info! I'm sure many of us are anxious to hear any information. Does anyone know if offers off the waitlist come by email or by phone?

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Thanks for posting the info! I'm sure many of us are anxious to hear any information. Does anyone know if offers off the waitlist come by email or by phone?


They will phone you and then purolator an acceptance letter.

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2PM and still no updates on their site. Based on the absence of activity on this forum, it doesn't look like they've contacted anyone either.


nope I havent heard anything either, called and emailed them,but no reply. Looks like we may have to wait the weekend to hear of any movement...

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