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NS Waitlist

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For those of you that are NS wait listed, what number are you on the NS wait list? Also, have any of you that are on the list already gotten in?


For those of you accepted that are from NS, are any of you planning on declining and going to an OOP school?

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For those of you accepted that are from NS, are any of you planning on declining and going to an OOP school?



I've posted this elsewhere, I think, but I'll post it here as well.


I was accepted to Dal (NS applicant), and I just declined my seat today. So the NS waitlist will be moving (soon?).

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Do those numbers simply indicate the HIGHEST waitlist numbers that have been given out? Or the expected movement?


Those are neither. The numbers shown state the size of the respective waitlists. Like, even though there are 20 on the NB waitlist, generally only 5-7 will be called up.

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Does anyone know when the deadline was for the first round of offers? Any waitlist movement yet?


The deadline is tomorrow, May 30th, for accepting an acceptance.


So far I've heard 1-2 people on the NS waitlist have gotten in. There should be more movement next week once May 30th has passed!!

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Does anyone know when the deadline was for the first round of offers? Any waitlist movement yet?


Deadline to confirm offers is May 30..which is weird because its a Saturday..and they arent open on Saturdays. But get ready for a bunch of waitlist invites soon after that.

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I heard of someone who got an acceptance off the waitlist yesterday... they were around number 3-4 I think. I wish Dal would update their site!


Can you confirm that as certainty? I know 4 ppl on the NB list who have turned down their spot, but the person in position 3 still hasn't been contacted from our list. Are you certain waitlist movement has started?

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Hey Guys,

Just wanted to let you know that I just received an acceptance letter in the mail Friday afternoon. I was #3 on the NS waitlist. I haven't posted before, but just wanted to let you know it's moving (I know I've been checking my email and the website WAY too much for any signs of movement! :)...best of luck to those still waiting!

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Currently (as of Wednesday, May 20th, 2009) the waitlist numbers for each province are as follows:


NS = 15 (6 offers have been mailed out)

NB = 20 (6 offers have been mailed out)

PE = 6 (2 offers have been mailed out)

Non Maritime = (7 offers have been mailed out)


Waitlist numbers are set based on past years movements on those lists.

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