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course selection

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I'm entering 3rd year for Pathology and toxiology and I need advice on course selection


I've already decided on:


Physiology 3140A - Cellular Physiology

Physiology 3120 - Human Physiology

Pharmacology 3560A/B - Introductory Toxicology

Pharmacology 3550A/B - Principles of Drug Action

Pathology 3240A - Understanding Disease

Pathology 3245B - Diseases of Organ Systems


does anyone have advice or comments on these courses, maybe how to do well, what to expect, good profs, etc. I don't expect these upper year courses to be easy but if there are easy mark boosters or good alternatives to these courses let me know.


I still need to decide take either Anatomy and Cell Biology 3319 - Systemic Human Anatomy, or Anatomy and Cell Biology 3309 - Mammalian Histology. which one is less time consuming and possible to do well on (I need good marks)


Which 4000 pharm courses do you guys suggest? there's so many to chose from, which one at least has an interesting prof and course content:


Pharmacology 4320A/B - Cardiovascular Pharmacology

Pharmacology 4360A/B - Mechanisms of Cancer Chemotherapy

Pharmacology 4380A/B - Neuropharmacology

Pharmacology 4430A/B - Pharmacology and Toxicology of Natural-Sourced Medicines

Pharmacology 4660A/B - Human Toxicology

Pharmacology 4540A/B - Molecular Physiology and Pharmacology of Cell Proliferation and Tissue Repair


Lastly has anyone taken epidemology 3330B or pharm lab 3580Y? what did you think?


thanks a lot, cheers!

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Looks like you have a pretty heavy course load this upcoming year so far! I was in the general Medical Sciences program this past year and have taken both Physiology 3140a and Phys 3120, as well as Anatomy 3319.


Phys 3140a-


You've probably heard from a lot of sources that this is supposedly a "killer course". Or at least that's what I've heard from everyone before I took it. To be honest, I can't really tell you the level of difficulty with regards to course content, mainly because everyone has different expectations. But what I can say is that it is definitely not impossible to do extremely well in this course (ie. 90+). The course has a large emphasis on cell signaling and requires memorization of many kinds of cell receptor families, functions etc. But if you've got all that down, the exams are pretty straight forward. I found some units were actually kind of interesting!


Phys 3120


Phys 3120 was such an awesome course! The things you learn are relevant to many other third year science courses, and most of the profs are really great. The one thing I found kind of difficult about this course was that the final April exam is cumulative (so everything from September)...and it's a heck of a lot of material! So if you take it I would recommenced start studying for the final waaaaay in advance.


Anatomy 3319


This was my most favorite course of all my three years at Western... soo cool! Many things that I learned previously in other courses all suddenly made complete sense when I took this course. The full year course covers every system in the body and the names/locations/ functions of all of the nerves, bones, major blood vessels, organs, muscles etc.

My favorite part of the course though has got to be the weekly lab demonstrations! Western is one of the only Universities in Ontario which is lucky enough to have access to real cadavers! SOooooooo cool if you're interested in seeing that :)

It's definitely not impossible to get a 90 in this course. I found the muscle unit the hardest mainly because it was pure memorization but it's still achievable.


Hope this helps and good luck in course selection this year :)

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Anatomy 3319 is FULL now!

Anatomy 3319 is a better version than 3309.

I hear class average is higher in that class, but I guess it depends on the students entering each year of BMSc

I think I only got in 'cause of my priority.

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Looks like you have a pretty heavy course load this upcoming year so far! I was in the general Medical Sciences program this past year and have taken both Physiology 3140a and Phys 3120, as well as Anatomy 3319.


Anatomy 3319 does not use real cadavers, they are prosections, and many schools use this. The only real undergrad cadaver course at Western is Kin anatomy.


That being said, Anatomy 3319 is a class that is really easy to do well on, their exam averages are often high 80s. This is simply because the exams are ridiculously easy.


Histology 309 is a far more comprehensive course and more on the difficult end of the spectrum.

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