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Do we get a backpack in O-week?

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I'm that nerd who is *still* carrying my CMA backpack to work, mostly 'cuz I'm too cheap to buy another one but also because it's a darn handy bag. Unsure why somebody was slagging it upthread. I've also been known to wear a white coat on some rotations (hello, CTU).


While I appreciate Aequanimitas' in-depth analysis of the symbolism of white coats and CMA backpacks, I find that bag and coat also have something else in common -- they hold all the snow that I seem to need on a day-to-day basis.






PS - to rmorelan. You will have no trouble getting one of the bags after o-week. Just drop a line to MD Management. The London rep used to be David Rose, but I don't know if it still is. One of my classmates had to get a new bag in second year (not because of a terrible anatomy lab accident I hasten to add) and while they couldn't get him a 2005 matriculant backpack they got him a lovely 2006 matriculant backpack to replace his old one.

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New001, I don't know who you are, but I agree, this was hilarious to see. I was actually also at a table beside where this happened, and laughed quite hard when I saw it go down. I can vividly remember him lifting up his bag and it was just soaked and dripping.


As for me, I use the bag because of its functionality. It's the only backpack I own that has a laptop sleeve section thing in it. Not a bad bag, but it does look a bit wierd seeing large groups of people walking around together with the bags. One plus though is that it makes it a really good way to recognize who's in your class early in the year before you've gotten to know everyone.


But wow, that cadaver juice bag thing was hilarious. Pretty sure that was the second bag he got too, can't remember what happened to the first.




And there seems to be a lot of deep thought going into this whole backpack thing and what it represents. So let me tell you a story about one of these backpacks from earlier this year ...


It's still morning, and after 3 hrs of lecture on musculoskeletal anatomy we all head up to the anatomy lab for an hour of lab work. There are 6 people in a group (preassigned of course) and each group is assigned one cadaver for the year. Everyone has lockers just outside the lab to keep your lab coat, dissection kit, bag, shoes, small babies, sandwiches etc. There is also a locker room downstairs which is a riot before anatomy lab as 124 people try to get in there to leave stuff before going up to the lab, but I digress. The point is there are places to leave your stuff. My group is working through the lab material and we're having some trouble so we call our TA over, who just happens to also be the course coordinator. He gives us a hand with the material and then moves on to the next group right beside us. And says "you might want to move that ...". We all look over ...

Aside: it is customary for the cadavers to build up a bit of fluid over time within the body bags which they reside in 24/7. It's also standard to make a small nick in the bag and drain this fluid into a bucket under the table (Windsor students you won't have to deal with this because your anatomy lab is p-i-m-p-e-d OUT!). The group had made an incision in the bag a good 15 min ago to drain out some of the fluid. And one of my clever classmates had decided to put his "medschool back-pack" under the table. Open. Into which the fluid had been draining for the last 15 min. He picked his bag up and fluid started gushing out the bottom of his bag indicating a solid 2-3 litres had gone into it. I don't think I have ever laughed harder at someone elses expense since watching America's Funniest Home Videos with Bob Sagat in the 90's. lol


Don't get too deep in thought about the bags 2013's, life's too fun for such nonsense.

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New001, I don't know who you are, but I agree, this was hilarious to see.


I wouldn't recommend bringing your stethescope to the bar. If you managed to catch the stellar video "Doc Where's My Stethescope?" on interview weekend, this is precisely how our main characters lost theirs. Although they did save the world and are generally regarded as the most heroic and attractive guys in the 2012 class, I will not endorse brining medical equipment to a bar.


I think that narrows it down to two people; my bet's on Zack

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That's the one Marshan! I thought it was on Slate but I wasn't sure. Nicely done.


Slate generally has pretty solid med-focused articles from time to time. It's pretty good for political commentary and such too. A good read for us med kids.

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New001, I don't know who you are, but I agree, this was hilarious to see. I was actually also at a table beside where this happened, and laughed quite hard when I saw it go down. I can vividly remember him lifting up his bag and it was just soaked and dripping.


Yes, table-mate, I remember that too. I wonder what he ended up doing with the ruined bag.


To echo what others saying -- I use my backpack because (a) it's the only one I have (B) it works well and © it was free. I wouldn't mind covering up some of the logos on it, but on the other hand, it's a good way to strike up conversations with strangers if you see someone else wearing one while you're backpacking through the Alps or something like that.

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