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Atlantic Bridge 2010

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Hey Guys,


Just recieved the application package from Atlantic Bridge for the upcoming cycle. I have a few general questions that I'm hoping someone might have answers for


1. They seem to really stress "short and concise" on the application. I have been out of school for 3 years and working in research for a clinical dept at my local hospital. I have a lot of conferences and other (what I consider pretty relevant) volunteer experience and I'm unsure where to include this stuff. It is most certainly more than the single page they suggest for a resume.


2. I've heard some rumors suggesting that it isn't looked at favourably to mention loans in the "how are you paying for this?" section. Can anyone comment on that?


3. Have also heard mixed stories of whether or not Graduate Entry Program students are able to do electives during their 4th year in Canada? Or are these only permitted during summer breaks?


4. This might be more easily answered by someone already studying in Ireland... I am an EU passport holder (UK citizen) - I know this is no help at all regarding tuition, etc... but as an EU citizen am I able to obtain a residency position in the EU? I know this is essentially impossible for Canadian students after they graduate.


After applying twice already in Canada I am hoping to apply broadly this year. Each year (and subsequent rejection), has only solidfied my ambition for medicine so I'm really beginning to explore the international options more closely.




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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey I've been at RCSI (graduate entry) for two years so this info might be a bit out of date. Hope some of it helps anyway;


1. When I applied I had a one page app essay, a one page resume, and one page 'additional info' describing my research. That seemed to work, though I don't think the interviewers read past the first paragraph of my research page.


2. No idea how they look at this now, but the majority of my classmates have loans of some type or other.


3. At RCSI we're not 'allowed' to do electives except during the summer as the credit doesn't transfer. Some people do sneak off though.


4. The EU passport really helps. Firstly, you don't have to deal with the hours of Irish immigration crap, and secondly you're considered as equal to the native when applying for post-grad training.

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