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Immatriculation College des Medecins

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Questions for a buddy of mine:

1) since getting an "immatriculation from college des medecins" is an admission requirement. is it possible that they refuse anyone?

2) they ask for tons of old grades,transcripts, and stuff of that nature. Why exactly?

3) has it happened before that somebody got accepted to med school and

go kicekd out cause they didnt get the "immatriculation"

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They can refuse you if you do not meet the standards to practice medicine, as having a mental disorder, or lacking of deontology.


It depends on the type of disorder I believe otherwise it would be called discrimination and lacking deontology if you have a VERY serious criminal record (not drunk driving)

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Indeed it's only for stats. he doesnt have to worry. I thought about it too when I sent my stuff for immatriculation last year but they legally don't have the right to turn you down based on your academic performance once the university has accepted you. Grades are the university business. If the university has accepted you, then the college can't do anything unless you have a very serious criminal record etc

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