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cut off scores.

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Maybe the waitlist cutoff was to divide those who got accepted on May 15 and those who got waitlisted. Then the admissions cutoff was the lowest possible score of someone who eventually got accepted (including accepted off the waitlist). So the admissions cutoff is lower than the waitlist cutoff since they had to send offers to people with lower scores as people declined their spots. It would also make sense that the OOP admissions cutoff is lower than the IP cutoff since they had to go relatively deeper into the waitlist to fill the OOP spots compared to the IP spots.

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Yeah definitely something wrong with the entire thing. First of all, it makes no sense to state what the score for the top person's waitlist is, it really doesn't indicate anything. I wonder if they screwed up the waitlist score and the admission score? But then again the waitlist score was around for a bit and people have been getting off the waitlist since then.


Also, when I logged in, it also said "You were rejected for the interview". Definitely must be an error, as I was accepted into Calgary as well. So lol they obviously did something wrong.

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Transcripts(50): 37.94

MCAT(15): 11

Extracurricular/Employment(25): 16

Reference(10): 4.75

Total(100): 69.6875


wow, one of refs was a big douche, the idiot wrote his reference like an hour before it was due, after i worked for him for a year, lol... i'm pretty sure this is my pre-interview score anyways


it's weird too, because my mcat should have been 12... oh well

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I was not sure about my MCAT either until I realized how they calculate the score.

I thought that you looked up your mcat score, got a value off the chart, and added or subtracted your WS score from that.

However...you are supposed to look up your score, add or subtract your WS score, and then refer to the chart again for your final score. At least, that is what I inferred from their examples in the applicant manual.

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Looks like all our above questions have been answered. Cut and pasted from UofC website for future reference, should it be removed in the future:

Scores will be available online until Sept 1st, after which time, the old online application system will be taken offline.




Cutoff Score for invitation to MMI:

Albertan - 68.4374 / Non-Albertan - 74.5626

i.e. this is the lowest pre-MMI score of applicants offered an interview.


Post-MMI Cutoff Score for Admission on May 15:

Albertan - 69.86 / Non-Albertan - 72.98

i.e. This is the lowest total score for applicants offered an admission on May 15th.


Post-MMI Cutoff Score for Placement on the Waitlist on May 15: Albertan - 63.305 / Non-Albertan - 63.65

i.e. This is the lowest score for applicants placed on the waitlist on May 15th.


Cutoff Score for Admission 2008/09: Albertan - 66.31

Cutoff Score for Admission 2008/09: Non-Albertan - 63.65

i.e. This was the lowest score of an applicant admitted to the class of 2012.

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