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2009 - 2010 Accepted/Rejected/Waitlisted

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I think it's time to make a progress thread for the current Canadian applicants.. so here goes..


Please follow the following formart





school name: username (not me lol) (I for interview date, A for Acceptance date)




school name: username (S+ for post secondary, S- for pre, and I+ for post interview)



school name: username (Interview date, waitlist date)




populate!! :D (mainly under Accepted!!)

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I finished my secondary on July 21 and got my invite on July 27. Crazy fast. I have applied to a bunch of schools, some I finished as far back as 2 weeks ago and haven't heard a thing. Some Im still waiting for the secondaries to come out.



As for UWO, b/c of how they calculate their GPA, best two FULL years I don't make the cut. Before my fourth and best year I took a summer course and then had extra room so in 4th year I took 4.5/5 credits to lessen my workload while doing a thesis. Wait to plan ahead right? So my 4th year GPA doesn't count, the woman at the admissions said I should take a 5th year to up my grades (I'm defending my thesis in 2 weeks. HAHA like that will happen)

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Hey guys,


Long-time lurker, first time posting on threads :P


GWU: (C: 7/26; II:7/29)


They must be incredibly efficient, so excited to visit Washington, DC!


Good luck to everyone applying this year.


Congrats!! Good luck on your interview :D


If you don't mind me asking....how long did it take for them to indicate that your application was complete? They received my application on 7/11, but I'm still waiting to be complete....

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Hey c17h,


GWU received my application on 7/22.


I gotta say, the SDN forum applicants have made me absolutely paranoid and tres tres triste this application year lol.


Hahaha...yeahh...maybe I should stop reading them...:confused:

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