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Medical bookstores

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Does anyone know a good place to get medical textbooks in BC besides the ripoff that is UBC Bookstore? I'm looking specifically for the USMLE First Aid book as well as Toronto Notes.




I would check online, but I don't see how you'll find TO Notes anywhere but the UBC Bookstore or other branches of it. (the same goes for many texts - even Amazon provides little discount)


Of course, used books are wonderful sometimes.

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Actually it's funny, I checked Amazon and their prices are identical - to the penny, of what UBC bookstore was charging for TN and First Aid. So maybe UBC isn't ripping off the way they used to with book prices? They're even half the price on Amazon.COM (the American site), but then with shipping and duty charges, it comes out to be the same price as Amazon.ca.


I ordered them through Amazon.ca, for what it's worth. I love getting packages in the mail.

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