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Organic Chemistry 2


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This is a question for people who are already in Medical school:


How important is it to take Organic Chemistry 2 in the Med-P year?

I do not think I'm going to take this course, but I want to make the right decision. I also want to be sure that I'll be able to succeed in all of my med school courses without the material from Organic 2.


Thanks a lot!

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I thought you HAD to take it if you haven't already? I thought that when I was in med-p some people HAD to take it if they hadn't already done so in CEGEP.


If you don't need to take it then don't do it, it's not an easy course and after having completed Med-1 I can tell you that the actual material learnt in organic II is not especially relevant. It does help if you have a solid chemistry background, though.

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never heard of anyone in Med-P taking org chem II...it is 'easy' if you're a whiz with reactions.


If Harpp is teaching it, it is sure to be a fun class. Just looked it up and see that Farrell has retired! That course can never ever be the same without Dr Farrell --it was like a rite of passage for bio sci students to survive that course.

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