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productive grad student, poor undergrad gpa

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I am finishing my PhD next year and am thinking of applying to medicine in 2010.


I have been productive in my graduate training where I have produced in both my Msc and Phd combined:


- 7 first author papers (with 2 in the top ranked journal of their fields and impact factors of 8 and 9 respectively)

- 3 mid author papers (with 1 in a high-impact journal)

- major national graduate scholarship

- few oral presentations at national conferences

- many poster presentations at international conferences.


Now the problem is that my undergrad marks are poor with only a 78% average and about 3.3 cgpa.


I think U of T values graduate training more so than most other canadian universities and so I'm thinking this school will be my best chance of getting into medicine with my application.


I am wondering whether there are any applicants who are like me, who gotten in with a productive graduate record but poor undergrad grades? I appreciate any helpful comments.

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U of T seems to love grad students with excellent productivity. my undergrad GPA was so so, and it was done in China. My spoken English isn't that great. My MCAT verbal was bad. My grad productivity is decent but not nearly as good as yours (2 first author and 6 co-author). And I was accepted.

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