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verifiers and hours

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I was wondering if verifiers can be other students in the same club/activity. I was president of a club many years ago and I'm not sure who I can use as a verifier other than another student who I've kept in touch with over the years.


On another note, do applicants usually tell their verifiers how many hours they are putting down in the application. Should I approach my verifiers to say, "I'm putting down that I've contribute about 10 hours of my time". I feel that it is quite hard to get an approximate number because there are times when I'll spend hours planning and getting stuff ready (for example, an event that I am organizing) that others may not be aware of.


Any thoughts?


Thank you!

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I was wondering if verifiers can be other students in the same club/activity. I was president of a club many years ago and I'm not sure who I can use as a verifier other than another student who I've kept in touch with over the years.


I would think you have no alternative.



On another note, do applicants usually tell their verifiers how many hours they are putting down in the application. Should I approach my verifiers to say, "I'm putting down that I've contribute about 10 hours of my time". I feel that it is quite hard to get an approximate number because there are times when I'll spend hours planning and getting stuff ready (for example, an event that I am organizing) that others may not be aware of.


Why not email them along the lines, "In my application to med school, I am required to list my activities, hours and give the name of a verifier. Can I give your name? I am indicating that I devoted a total of x hours during 200? for the XY Club. I devoted these hours in planning, organization and then attending the main event."


So, you don't explain it face to face. When you confirm they will be verifier face to face, they can question you about anything they are uncomfortable about.

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