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Applying with only two years?

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Hi i'm OOP (Ontario) and wondering if it is worthwhile to apply after only two years of undergrad.


I'd have all the prereqs and whatnot and my GPA is 3.95 (University of Calgary Calculated), and OK EC's (no research).


Does anyone know someone who has actually applied with only two years undergrad to Alberta / Calgary? :eek:

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Taking the MCAT in September so no scores yet, but hoping for the best.


I couldn't find any previous stats about how many applied, but the Calgary manual says that there were 2 people admitted in class of 2010 and 0 in class of 2011. :(


I think i'll fill out the application but only submit it if i get a good vibe from my MCAT.

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With your GPA and a decent MCAT score you will be competitive in Ontario.


At my interviews I met a few people with around your GPA and in their third year of undergrad and I know some got into med schools in Ontario. Do you have any other pluses like from the North, Western ON or Ottawa etc.?

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I'm actually only going into my second year of undergrad, not my third and i don't have any pluses. :(


I was more wondering about being competive in Alberta because they only require 2 years, whereas i would have to wait another year in Ontario.

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I've met one third year admitted to the class so far - honestly a lot of the people at U of C seem to be mid-twenties. Go ahead and apply if you want to - if nothing else, it is good practice. But don't be worried to take a few years and do something interesting before starting med school either. I'm sure there are quite a few people at U of C who got in because they took some time to do other things.


Best of luck to you! :)

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I think last year 1 2nd year was admitted to the program. Add that to the fact you're OOP, and I'd say you stand very little chance. That said, there's nothing wrong with gaining experience. If you have the time and money, apply away, but I wouldn't bank on it

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