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Question regarding Alberta resident status

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Hey there,


I was just wondering if anyone knows how to answer this question...


If I let's say moved to Calgary this August, and applied this application cycle, would I be considered an Alberta resident for UofC of UofA?


I realize that it says you have to live in Alberta for a year before classes start, but does that year include the year when you apply?


I hope I'm getting this through clearly...



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I realize that it says you have to live in Alberta for a year before classes start, but does that year include the year when you apply?


I hope I'm getting this through clearly...




Yes...the year you apply is, indeed, the year before classes start.



Check re: Calgary, though, I think their cutoff date is sometime in July now, I recall reading something about it in the U of C subforum. But you should be ok for U of A.

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