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July 17 score release


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Anyone else who cant focus on anything and is obsessively and compulsively thinking abt the score release on Aug 18th?

This wait klillsssssss

I havent been studying since I wrote the exam and I have no idea where Ill go from here if my scores disappoint me.


Just felf I needed to vent my frustration somewhere

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Oh man. I really have no idea what to expect, but I just know it won't be good. I've been dreading it for a while. Props to you, Gitanjali, I can't find it in me to pull my books out again, even though I'm quite sure I'll need to rewrite. Ha, I'm just enjoying the summer right now. Do they test the liver's ethanol limits on the MCAT? :P

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ok this has turned into a thread where I talk to myself........

but yea..I keep checking the AAMC score release site from time to time even though I know the scores wont be there!!!!

going crazy!!!

Wish I had it in me to turn all this anxiety into something positive..like maybe study in anticipation of a possible retake!!:eek:

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I totally understand your anxiety about this..I'm feeling it too as I also wrote on the 17th...these last couple of days have been especially hard, even excruciating....the best thing to do is to get your mind off of it and work on something else...and then when 5pm rolls around on Tuesday (or perhaps earlier), we'll see how we did...and there's always another run if it doesn't go well...good luck!

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I was expecting a slew of ppl to share their scores here...


But anyways, I got 35S:) :) :)

Very very pleasantly surprised. I had

PS - 13

BS - 12

VR - 10

Im happiest for the verbal since I was consistently getign single digits in the practice. My AAMC average was also 32...as a note to fufure test takers...the practice exams dont have a flexible scale which the real test does, so there is every possibility ull outdo yourself on the real deal!

Ive been an idiot all this time and havent written my Personal statement for AAMC app. I think Im gonna just write it up today and send in my AAMC app. I know Im wayyy tooo behind in the game for US med schools.:(

Good luck to everyone who is writing in the coming days!!!

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got lower than every single AAMC practice test I did. Damn.


12 PS

10 VR

9 BS



Couldn't believe I got 10 in VR, was consistently 13-14 on the practice tests... knew the bio was coming, but a "T" in the writing sample???? Good thing I blew my best mark in the section that noone cares about.


oh well, live with it until next year I guess...

hope everyone else did ok!

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