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Humanities LOR - What would you do?


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Hey gang, just wondering what you think about this situation I may have to deal with. Any input would be greatly appreciated.


Over the course of my psychology minor I've only had 2 instructors who were actually profs (PhD), the others were either TA's or GA's. I've had instructor 'A' multiple times and instructor 'B' for 75% of a course, 4 years ago.


Months ago, Instructor A agreed to write an LOR for me to satisfy the 'humanities prof' requirement for many schools. He has since dropped off the face of the planet. He isn't returning emails, they won't give me his home number, he's retired so he doesn't come around the school, and they tell me he lives in the states - thus I'm worried and switching to backups.


Would you pick Instructor B, who literally has no clue who I am but at least has his doctorate? OR would you chose a PhD student (in Psych, working in a cancer lab) who's known and worked with me for 8 years?


Again, thanks for any input.

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I have no familiarity with the US system/requirements. I do know that we all require 'strong' LORs. Therefore, so long as the PhD student can credibly establish that he knows you from an academic perspective, he would be the best person available for you.


Meanwhile, try to do investigative work to locate A.

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This cycle I've only come across one school that specifically requires a "humanities" LOR. Are there any other non-science reference letters written by faculty that you can get? It does not necessarily have to be a humanities prof. I used a non-science research supervisor, and was told by a number of schools that this was alright.


I would also get that letter from the PhD student. Most schools let you send in additional letters and anyone you've worked with for 8 years should be able to write you a great LOR.

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