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Regarding Pre-reqs for U of Ottawa

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I have questions regarding Ottawa application.

Is it true that I need to have 6 arts / social sci credits in order to apply to U of Ottawa?

If yes, is it 6 including the year of application???

One more, can they be taken during intersession??


Thank you!

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I have questions regarding Ottawa application.

Is it true that I need to have 6 arts / social sci credits in order to apply to U of Ottawa?

If yes, is it 6 including the year of application???

One more, can they be taken during intersession??


Thank you!


You need 1 full-year course (or 2 semester long courses) in humanities/social sciences. In my undergrad U, that would be 6 credits.


You can take the course whenever you want (intersession or academic year, as far as I know it doesn't matter) but the latest for you to register for the courses would be January of the academic year you apply (ie if you're applying now for entry in September 2010, you need to register for the courses by January 2010. That's my understanding of it anyways.

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