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Inorganic Chem at UTSG (I know, I know, it's this again...)


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Hey guys,


I'm sure this question has been asked to death...but here goes:


As you all know U of T St. George campus doesn't offer a second year (or any full year for that matter) inorganic chemistry courses with lab. I tried to to enroll in the two alternative options at the UTM campus (chm231 and chm221) but they are both full with an extensive waitlist. I am doubtful I will be able to get in either of them. So I was wondering if it's possible to get this credit elsewhere? Perhaps at Ryerson? And if so, which chemistry courses would those who have experience with Ryerson recommend? The easier the better obviously, since chemistry is in no way my strong suit...


Also, UTSC has inorganic chemistry courses as well, but the most fitting one is a first year course (1.0 FCE so that fully satisfies the requirement...). The only problem is that this course is based off of chm139 from UTSG (which is 0.5 FCE, i.e. we got screwed over), so they are exclusions of each other. Has anyone tried or heard of someone asking for a pardon of this exclusion?


Thanks guys!

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I would like to know the answer as well.


I searched in the Americna Schools section and many have stated that if you write a letter to the school, they'll wiave hte requirment (assuming you take CHM220)


But I also know Ryerson offers Chem at the Chang School, so you can take the 2nd half there.

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