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NETBOOK, useful ?

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hey guys.

i wanted to know if buying a netbook would be a good idea...

just want to use it for light note taking use for classes...

then again, is having a laptop (netbook) useful for classes?

do we need to take our own notes.... or do we just use the online notes / lecture videos system ? (forget what it is called)


thx !

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I can't answer your question with regards to taking notes in medical school, but a laptop has always helped me out taking notes in regular undergrad classes. The only thing I have to say is that netbooks suck from my experience. They are simply underpowered, they run on a new processor developed to eat as little power as possible but still able to do enough calculations per second to run an operating system. Windows XP is extremely slow on netbooks, and if you do get one I would recommend loading some form of Linux on there so that it's actually usable.


Anyways if this netbook will ONLY be used to take notes and run a single application at a time then it is a good buy. BUT if you want to depend on this netbook for all your computer needs, such as browsing online while typing up a paper or putting together a presentation, I suggest getting a normal laptop. They aren't that much larger but you'll be much happier with the extra power. If you choose to buy a PC laptop you should invest in a note taking program by Microsft called OneNote, it's pretty muc the best thing microsoft has ever made. As a mac user myself I am required by contract to endorse apple wherever I can, so you should get a macbook. They are much more stable than any pc and they work extremely well, remember you're not paying for the hardware but the software operating system. Also you shouldn't worry about compatability with PCs, they can open any kind of file and install all the programs you need for medical school in one way or another. Just don't get a netbook.


I hope this doesn't turn into a Mac vs PC thread.

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