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NAQ: Using all 7500 chars?

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don't put yourself down as verifier for anything, use a family member instead for things that can be proved with a letter etc.


if you're applying right out of your 3rd year undergrad, you might be thousands of characters short of the limit and you'll still be fine. On the other hand, if it's been 5 years since you've been out of university, you should be hitting pretty close to the character limit since you should have been doing lots of things during that time.

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Well I was wondering if each of your activities is graded only under one of the categories in NAQ.

Obviously many of them seem to fit under multiple categories and I know we are told to place it under the category that we think it applies to most, but the end decision rests with the judges.

But do the judges just give marks for the category where the activity applies most? Or for all categories that tey feel relevant?


Anyone have any ideas? Or any input?

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i still have 2000 characters remaining. I think the limit is there just to give us room if we have lots to write about - I dont think that is what they are expecting of us ;)


i don't think we would have any trouble hitting the 7500 char mark if there wasn't a 350 char limit on each description; now we'd have to list like 20 activities for us to hit the 7500 limit :(

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i don't think it matters either way, i have some left over but not a lot. i think what matters is how you describe your entries and that they are quality entries regardless of how many you have. some of mine are long term and some are shorter, just add what you have an describe them well. we really have no idea how they will be evaluated anyways so just do your best!

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