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LORs matching personal statement

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Hey guys,

I was planning to get two academic references (one from my grad supervisor and one from an undergrad prof), and one non-academic from the coach of my varsity team, although I don't mention my involvement in a varsity team in a lot of detail in my statement. Should I be looking for references that can support my personal statement, or my coach as a referee is fine?


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For your Essay, you will be giving verifiers. You are now talking about referees. If you feel that your coach is best as one of your referees, thats fine. You do not need a referee to support your P.S., you need verifiers.


Great, thanks. Just to clarify, I wasn't confused between verifiers for my p.s. and my referees. I was just wondering if it is better to pick referees who can elaborate on a certain experience that you mention in you p.s. From your response, it seems like it doesn't matter that much.


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