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Community Colleges

Guest Eva88

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I finished my second year at a community college- Grant Macewan. For my third year I cant decide what I should do. I can still take a few more courses at Grant Macewan or I can go to the U of A. I would prefer to stay at Macewan but don't want to if U of A dent prefers U of A applicants. I will also be applying to most schools across Canada, with U of A being my top choice!


Does anyone know if U of A would accept U of A students above grant macewan students for dentistry?



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Does anyone know if U of A would accept U of A students above grant macewan students for dentistry?


I know for a fact that the U of A does not dole out preferential status to their own students over Grant MacEwan, at least for Dent/Med. I know several people who have been accepted to Dent/Med from MacEwan in the last few years. If you like MacEwan, stay there and enjoy the smaller class sizes.

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Thanks, its good news to hear.


The idea of staying at Macewan scares me a little because a) I would be loosing some credit and B) the science advisor at U of A told me that Dentistry does in fact prefer U of A students. The lady in admissions told me that they dont give preference to U of A students, but what they say and what they do could be different. I know I am worrying too much about this.


This might be a hard question for anyone to answer but approximately how many people in each entering class are from the colleges in AB? red deer, macewan, concordia ect.

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