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August 21st MCAT


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Did you write am or pm? I wrote pm and I thought there was a little bit too much orgo. I also guessed on most of the last passage for PS because I was running out of time :mad: Now I'm debating if I should take a course if my score is too bad...



I wrote pm...flipping through the passages, it was like orgo/genetics/orgo/molecular bio...discretes were full of orgo- nothing else i felt i prepared for:(

i just don't know- i found it a lot harder than all the practice exams i did- very disapointing.

On PS, i ran out of time aswell left 2 passages, but for the most part they weren't so bad.

As for doing a course, i did PR- it was okay; helps to prepare you for some stuff but it really is just a review of the concepts you need to know. Really once you master the material- practice!practice!practice! is the key!!!!!!!

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i remember guessing on an entire section of PS last year, without having enough time to figure out what the questions were asking. it must have been like 7 questions or so. other people i knew had the same problem and all ended up doing fine in the end... 10+.


if you guys had to guess on VR, i would be more worried.


lately the trend has been really long VR passages. can anyone comment on the VR section.

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Thje verbal section was okay...i had guessed on 2 :confused: they were insanely long and 1 had so many questions that it took longer than 10 minutes! (maybe it's just me). But you are right about the length- i don't ever remember coming across consecutive passgaes of such great lengths, except for i think one of the "harder" aamc practice test (7or8?)

anyways, all in- not a postive experience today:(

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compared to the exam I took 2 months ago, I thought the passages were more straightforward for PS. I had to guess on one passage, cuz i was running out of time.


Verbal was tough. It has always been my weakness no matter how much I practice. I don't care what people say, but EK does not resemble real mcat exam questions. I had to guess on 1 passage to due time constraint, and a few other questions. PLEASE let me get a 8+


Love the physiology stuff in BS. Pretty straightforward genetics. Too many org discrete though.

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It feels good to be able to talk about writing an MCAT, rather than just imagining/worrying bout writing one.


Anyway, I wrote today.


I thought BS was sorta tough, but I was sorta cheesed/out of it cuz the WS didn't go too well (ran outta time on my conclusion for one essay)...


PS I thought was decent, VR was okay. But you can never know with VR. I know people say the passages are sooo long, but honestly I didn't find that.


I guess right now my biggest worries are WS and BS. I thought a couple organic questions were really tough....but I didn't think it had too much orgo. I actually was expecting more cuz I heard some people say they got like 3 orgo passages this summer.

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I wrote at 2pm today.


PS-total brick hitting me in the stomach! I think it was the whole "omg this is the first section of the REAL mcat" jitters that got me.


VR- long! That photography passage killed me. But like you all have said, you never know with Vr


WS- bahahaha i made up a couple fo examples and totally blanked on a synthesis for the second prompt. But both were similar/same as the ones on the AAMC site


BS- agree with you all..TOO MUCH ORGO! All I wanted was a couple questions on physiology or something..atleast one discrete on hormones? maybe?! but alas..nothing!


It was all one major blur and my scores could go either way. Just glad its over and we all have a month to do no MCAT stuff. time to drink copious adult beverages!


EDIT: from reading on SDN, it seems there were two exams at 2pm today...dont know if thats for just the states or across canada as well

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man, isn't there always one guy who practically swaggers his ass out of the testing centre boasting about how he 'raped' the mcat? :P


All I ever seem to read is how everyone is terribly disappointed with the experience! At best people appear to be somewhat apathetic, eager to forget about it in case they start remembering specifics lol...God damn I write on Sept 3 and these threads get me antsy!!


Good to hear that you can 'guess' on PS/BS and still get 10+ lol...:cool:


Good luck to everyone who wrote today!

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Seems like there were 2 different tests for the 2pm sitting as mine had only one orgo passage, yet 7-9/13 discrete were orgo so I guess it balanced out.


PS was just like the practice tests in my opinion. I've written the MCAT before, and I found this PS to resemble the AAMC tests much more than the MCAT I took last year. There were 2 "repeated" questions. I remembered questions from the previous AAMC tests, and 2 discrete were identical (same order of answers) to previous questions lol - just thought I'd share that...


I rewrote the MCAT, as many do, due to verbal. I practiced my but off and hoping it paid off. Passages were longer, but I still managed to finish 3 minutes early, having time to check over a few marked questions. My advice is to practice completing passages in 7-8 minutes. The verbal passages on the actual MCAT will be longer than the practice ones, as almost everyone this year has said; so plan accordingly.


WS - the usual. One prompt about politcian's, another about popular television.


BS - I got 12 last time, but really don't think I did this time mainly due to the discrete orgo questions. They were tough IMO. Passages were straight forward for the most part though. 2/7 passages were genetics-related, so I guess the increasing genetics trend continues. There was one passage about leptin and eating, I really liked that one since I did psych and have studied it extensively.


I am never writing this test again, no matter my score. Worse comes to worse, I'll go to a foreign country!

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Yeah definitely two different tests, I wrote at 8PM, PS was pretty doable, hopefully I didn't make the stupid mistakes I always do on AAMC practice ones. VR was long and had a couple of difficult ones. WS was straightforward. BS oh man this one I am kind of unsure about. It was just random, plus I was soooooo tired for some reason, and it was hard to stay concentrated. I finished it nevertheless. Why do they have to put BS at the end??? Ugh. Oh and there were two orgo passages and a few discretes. The rest was random.


Hope everyone did well, and good luck to people who write in a few days!!!

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I havent had a chance to run through the list to see if my exact prompts were on there but they were very similar in style. Also, there were atleast two questions in my PS that were exactly from the practice tests. I was looking at the question being like "waaaait....that looks familiar...this must be a trick!" hahaha! good luck all!! :D

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  • 4 weeks later...
I purposely picked the 22nd to do my data analysis for my Masters thesis so I can occupy my brain so it doesn't freak out! Also to occupy my fingers from continuously clicked refresh hahaha!


good luck everyone!


Hahah, nice. I'm trying to occupy my time by writing my personal statement. Never thought it would be so challenging! It's really hard to talk about myself. It's getting longer and longer...and I haven't even come to the gist of it. I need divine intervention hahah. Oh, and fantastic score. lol. ;)


good luck to you.

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