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Carving CHALKS

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I want to start practicing carving on chalks and refining techniques before moving onto real soaps, but I can not for the life of me find out where to get these...


I'm located in Toronto, ON, study in London, ON... WHERE CAN I BUY CHALKS (That are cheaper) to start practicing on, which are the same size as DAT official soaps?

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I want to start practicing carving on chalks and refining techniques before moving onto real soaps, but I can not for the life of me find out where to get these...


I'm located in Toronto, ON, study in London, ON... WHERE CAN I BUY CHALKS (That are cheaper) to start practicing on, which are the same size as DAT official soaps?


The consistency of the chalk is very different from soap and will not react to the knife blade in the same ways soap will. The soap is much softer and therefore easier to make a mistake with a sharp blade. Learning to be gentle with the soap from the beginning is a good thing!


However, if you absolutely insist on using chalk, you could try the thick (usually colored) street chalk - probably the closest in size to the official soaps. The chalk will likely dull your blade much more quickly than soap, so hopefully you can sharpen the blade or have an extra blade on hand.

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