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DAT material for sale in London


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I am selling the following items and am located in London. Please PM me if you have any questions.


DAT Destroyer - bought April 2008 - no marking, like new - paid $150 American; asking $100 Canadian


Canadian Prep Books - for all 6 books I paid over $200. There are pencil markings in most of the books. I am asking $100 for all 6 but will take best offer for individual books.

PAT Book A

PAT Book B

PAT Book C

Bio and Chem Book

Reading Comp. Book

Soap Carving Prep. Book


DAT Audiolearn - paid $69 American, asking $30 Canadian


Cliff's AP Bio. 3rd Ed. - a few pages highlighted - paid $20 American, asking $10 Canadian


1 White Kaplan Book and lesson plan book (from prep. course); 2 Blue Kaplan DAT books (3rd Ed.); 2 DAT Barron's books - all are highlighted A LOT in the science sections - PM me if you are interested in any of these.

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