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Can you add more LORs to a school after you complete their secondary. At the moment, I want to submit NYMC's secondary, but I am waiting on one more non-required LOR. Could I the secondary today and then afterwards assign another LOR to this school on AMCAS? Is this the general way things work? Thx for any feedback!

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When I goto the assigned letter list in AMCAS, it shows check boxes besides the letters, which can be checked off....so I am assuming you can assign additional letters later on. I hope you can because I need to send the letter from my PI to schools in a few days.


yep. you can :o

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But...say they send you a complete email, but you still assign more letters to that school, do you guys know how the schools view that? Do they accept them? Will it push your review date further?


I would call them to first ask if you can send additional letter. If they say yes, then make them aware of it so they can add it to your file.

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