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OSAP Application Question

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So I'm filling out the OSAP application a bit late (just as a formality, I'm sure I won't get any money), and I'm a bit stuck. It asks for my income from 2008 from my tax return, which is considerably lower than the money I received in 2008 because it doesn't include my grad student stipend. It then asks for my 2009 income and I'm not sure whether I should include my CIHR money and other stipend amount. It doesn't seem to be on the list of things I shouldn't include, but if it wasn't on my tax return in 2008, I don't see why I should include it for 2009.


Any ideas? Input?

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Because it's Sunday and I want to finish now :)


Here's the list they give on the website of what should NOT be included:



Here's the list of what SHOULD be included: https://osap.gov.on.ca/eng/not_secure/0910/App_OSAP_definitions_12.htm#income


I'm only skeptical about including the CIHR and stipend stuff for 2009 because it wasn't included in my 2008 tax return. Based on what's on the website, I'm not sure.

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I am not from ON and have only scanned, however, the first doc. under Income - Total Gross states "You must provide all taxable and non-taxable income form all sources, world-wide (except if it is an income item from the list of Income - Not to be Reported in your OSAP Application provided below).......and amongst the income that is non reportable for OSAP is student loans, scholarships, grants, awards, bursaries.


The second doc appears to be similar. CHIR money and stipends, what category are they? Grants, awards, etc of the nature described in the documents? The documents are meant to clarify and not be ambiguous.


If you must complete it today, then your options are a] to err on the side of caution, b] leave these items out and attach a note indicating that you have these other money streams that you believe do not qualify as income, or c] do as you orginally thought - and should they want to claw back the money after the fact, you will have an argument and an explanation.


Above all, you want to act reasonably as seen through the eyes of a knowledgeable and objective third party oberver.

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