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5th year/Non-degree student


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Hey, if I were to take a 5th year would I require 400 level courses (maybe 3 FCE) for med school to consider that year? I'm considering doing this to pull up my GPA and apply to med school but I don't want to put all my eggs in one basket and just kill time/money and still not get in. Which is why I decided to take some courses in RSM. I couldn't take RSM courses during my regular years because they're restricted to RSM subjects POSts and non-degree students. I did take RSM100 and ECO100 and absolutely loved those so I was thinking of completing 51 credit hours in RSM courses and going with a different career path. I want to be realistic with my chances of medical school so please don't bash me for not having "all my heart" in it or not TRULY wanting it or whatever, because I have tried and still am trying really hard to get in (now going into my 4th year). I congratulate and admire all non-trad applicants, etc. but since med school is hard to get into I don't want to delude myself into thinking it's my only career option.


I'm going to break this down since I ended up rambling on.


1) If I opt to graduate this year and then start taking a full course load as a non-degree student would that year be considered by med schools?


2) I know that most, if not all, med schools require that 3 FCE be from your year of study. Would this still apply for after I graduate?

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Some universities are picky with extra UG years, and don't look to great on them. I'm not sure which ones they are but other members can tell you. Also, some schools are picky with the grade level courses you take in each year, and require I think at least 60% of your course load to be of course of your UG year.

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