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Not putting anything under "High Performance"?


The closest thing I have is a 3 month stint at an orphanage overseas, but not sure that even fits the bill. No major national awards; no olympics; publications, but only in medium impact journals (i.e. not Nature). I feel like I'm giving away points by just leaving that section empty.

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Loads of people have nothing to put here... the whole idea of having points available in this category is that someone training for the olympics probably doesn't have as much time to volunteer... thus, they aren't penalized for having a worse off Service Ethic section.


It also avoids putting "olympic gold medalist" in diversity of experiences alongside "i play the guitar in my free time"... one kinda deserves special recognition you know?


Dont stress over this one, lots of people are in the same boat.

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The only reason I ask is because a couple app cycles ago (when High Performance wasn't a category) I got my feedback and somehow received 1 point for high performance. No idea what in my app warranted that point. Just hoping not to miss out on it for this cycle.

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You don't need to be an international superstar to get high performance points. Winning a competition at a regional level (such as college sports or regional drama competition) is worth a point, provincial level is worth more etc. Also, it doesn't have to be a conventional area of excellence like sports. I put down a knitting related activity (I won 2nd place in an internaional knitting design competition). I think your orphange experience is better put under service ethic though.

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