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Course Based Graduate GPA

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I've taken 42 credits in my MPH program and has a 3.8 gpa. Is that competitive for a course-based graduate applicant for UT Med? I've read in other threads that most people have 4.0 grad gpa...I'm wondering if that's only referring to thesis based grad students. Thanks.


p.s. My ugpa is 3.54 after omitting the worst 8 courses, as I have taken a full course load every year.

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  • 3 years later...

I'm in a course-based masters, so maybe I can share some insights.


Most grad have close to 4.0 GPA b/c they took only 2-3 FCEs (less than 20 credits). With only so few courses taken per year, it is no wonder that they have high GPA. Moreover, the average mark for graduate courses are usually between B+ to A- (definitely some evidence of grade inflation in grad sch compared to undergrad). That's why many med schools don't put much consideration to grad GPA.


Now for you,


42 credits = 7 FCEs at U of T. The value of your grade (GPA 3.8) depends on how many courses you were taking per academic year. If you are taking full courseload (like 30 credits from Sep to Apr), your GPA may be considered competitive when compared to someone else with 3.85-3.9 but taking less than 20 credits. It also depends on course averages (usually course avg are noted on transcripts). In addition, that grad GPA you have is usually considered in the context of your other scholarly activities too (publications, posters, conferences etc).


In short, the competitiveness of your GPA will depend a lot on many other factors. That's why grad app need to submit a grad supplementary package.


Your 3.8 seems fine, but bear in mind that there are lots of grads applying with that GPA too. Your undergrad looks bad , so hopefully your grad work can make up for it.


Best of luck!

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