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referee detail edit

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I know you are not supposed to enter and save a referee unless you are 100% sure that you will be using them, as it is a process to switch... but once you enter a referee, are you able to later on change their details without any difficulties? I am anxious to enter someone, so I can see the CAF and such, but I'm not 100% sure about the details (as they're slightly vague in what they ask for)... am I safe to do this, having the ability to easily edit the details later on if i have to?

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nevermind, thanks, I just entered the referee and yea, you can delete /edit


damn though, i guess you can't actually see the confidential assessment forms until you enter all 3, definitive referees?



Actually, once you've filled in the details for one referee, all you have to do is click the Print Confidential Assessment forms button, and it prints out the Confidential Assessment form that you are supposed to give to that referee.

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