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Presentations not at conferences

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Would you guys put presentations you did that weren't at conferences?

Say at an Undergraduate Research day (at your university) for example?


Or even at other events where you have to submit and abstract to get accepted to present (either oral or poster) but the abstract isn't published anywhere except in pamphlet of the event?

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why does it say smoewhere, or is it general thought, that you should only put conference presenations? I am going to be presenting some research findings at Sunnybrook neurology rounds... am i not supposed to put that? (I probably will regardless haha, but just wondering)

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Oh okay.


I am not saying it is a bad thing but I don't know how much impact it would have. I am a masters student (1st year) and by the time of the application, with regards to concrete graduate production, I will only have one conference presentation, and possibly a 3rd author paper--this is definately very little compared to people who have already finished their masters. I have loads of undergraduate presentations, so I guess it would be okay to use maybe 1-2 of them which were significant (I have around 5-6 total).



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Market yourself in the best manner possible consistent with your goal, undergraduate presentations are fair game. I had to prepare for and lead some classes, I guess you might call that presentations, and this will be disclosed in my application as I developed growth, confidence, maturity, better communication skills etc out of these experiences. I will be judged on my entire package, I will not second guess the decision makers, but you may be sure, they will have a full picture of whom I am when they examine my complete application.

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Pretty much an integral part of your graduate training in science is making presentations: lab meeting, departmental, research day, special interest group, yadda yadda. You can mention it but just realize that it will not be considered equivalent to a presentation at an international conference.


Don't stress about lack of pubs, you've only started your masters. Read these boards: tons of grad students have zero publications out of their master's degrees. It really depends on who your supervisor is, type of project, etc etc.

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It's not like the adcom people will say "LOL! Why'd they mention that?!? REJECTED!" I think they'd more likely just ignore it if they didn't think it was relevant.


I agree for the most part, but one guy I interviewed listed all the countries he'd travelled to as individual entries labelled "Family vacation to [blank]" and "School trip to [blank]", and the faculty member said he thought it (a) was weird, and (B) didn't make the best first impression.

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