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Verifier Question

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Hi guys:


I know this question was answered before, but I need some advice.

I know some of you suggested that you can put one client as a verifier for private tutoring if you tutored a lot of students in the past. I called UBC today and they said that the verifier needs to verify the total number of hours you claim- but no single client of mine can verify the total number of hours, only partially.


Should I still put a client down, did any of you come across problems like this? Thanks!

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Thanks for your reply.

Well my friends are aware that I tutor, but I don't know if they're elligible to verify- they weren't there. I've always been doing one-on-one tutoring.

Perhaps a high school counsellor who referred students to me? Then again, they wouldn't know how many hours I've done either...err

Do you know how picky UBC is with verifiers?

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H.S. Counsellor would be perfect. This person would need to accept ypour word for the hours, but if you have credibility with such person, that should not present a problem. Verification is strictly random, if such person is on board, there will be no problem. It is not a crossd examination, only as verification.

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