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Weekly schedule

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So my weekly schedule doesn't show up on the UWO Student Center. It just shows my class list but no times. Can any of the rest of you 1st years see the schedule? And if so, could someone please post one so I know where I'm going all week? I saw the one on the Powerpoint presentation on Thursday but I didn't have time to copy it down. I assumed it would be online by now. And maybe it is for the rest of you. Help!

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Hey Racer X


the log on ID/password should've been sent to your email4life account (From Susan, email title:one45 log on information).


ID for email4life is your first name initial+lastname+2013 (e.g. for Jane Doe,ID would be jdoe2013), password should be the same as your western email password or try your student number. There was session for email and password stuffs, you can access email4life, SSO and one45 from here http://www.schulich.uwo.ca/verc/


ETA: it seems like one45 id is your school email id (minus @uwo.ca, so jdoe123) and try [jxy+your student number] for password. so jxy1234567 something like this. Good luck and hope i didn't make things more complicated for you.

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