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So now that the deadline has passed....

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What did you forget to put in your application? I thought that this would be a nice way to pass the time and relax from the application period stress, hah.


I forgot to put in NAQs a major mentoring project I was a part of for years, even AFTER figuring out hours with the organization and writing down their contact info on a piece of paper. Mega-jumbo-ultra-giganto-super-doh! :eek:


Anyone else remember anything they forgot to add?

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What did you forget to put in your application? I thought that this would be a nice way to pass the time and relax from the application period stress, hah.


I forgot to put in NAQs a major mentoring project I was a part of for years, even AFTER figuring out hours with the organization and writing down their contact info on a piece of paper. Mega-jumbo-ultra-giganto-super-doh! :eek:


Anyone else remember anything they forgot to add?


not that i can think of...trying not to think too much about it now

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