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Waitlisters of Last Year, Quick Question

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Dal will not schedule meetings with people who were on the waitlist last year. Their view is that waitlisters have strong applications and that they shouldn't need to make any major changes for next year. Im actually really disappointed with this, but I already know that my mcat score is what I need to improve.

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Dal will not schedule meetings with people who were on the waitlist last year. Their view is that waitlisters have strong applications and that they shouldn't need to make any major changes for next year. Im actually really disappointed with this, but I already know that my mcat score is what I need to improve.


You sure about that? I spoke with the Admissions Office two weeks ago, and they said they were just waiting on Dr. Sutton to have a few available days so that they could schedule the sessions.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I know it's been a little while since this question was posted, but I contacted them a couple of weeks ago and was told that since I was waitlisted, I didn't qualify for a feedback session and that I should apply again. It's encouraging but also tricky. I'd really like to know how to not get wait listed the next time around.

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