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What is the selection formulae for UofT?

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Does UofT have selection formulae like McMaster (32%-32%-32%-4%)? I couldn't find it in their website and the one in the FAQ section on this forum seems dated (pre-2005).


From UofT's FAQ: http://www.md.utoronto.ca/admissions/information/faq.htm


1) How are non-academic qualifications considered?


60% of the application is based on academics and the remaining 40% is based on non-academic qualifications. As part of the application package, applicants must submit an autobiographical sketch, three standard letters of reference and an autobiographical essay limited to 1000 words. This information will be reviewed by the Admissions Committee. The non-academic score (40%) will be combined with the academic score (60%) to provide a rank order of candidates eligible for interview.

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i dont get it... what are you trying to say?


MCAT never matters.


60% academic pre interview/40% non-academic (Statement, ABS, refs)

40% academic post interview/60% non-academic (Statement, ABS, refs, interview)


Or something of the like


edit: above is wrong


following is right


preinterview: 60% academic/40% non-academic (Statement, ABS, refs)

post interview: 60% academic/40% nonacademic (Statement, ABS, refs, interview)


basically, your interview takes a chunk of your non-academic. tough luck for those who have poor academic and high non academic.

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I would imagine it's purely GPA


Would be hard to compare and rank accomplishments/awards


I would think they'd also consider other academic skills or awards like scholarships, teaching skills, research capabilities.


But no doubt, the vast majority of your academic points come from your GPA, which is interpreted alongside the rigour and coherance of your undergraduate studies.

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that's actually a pretty good question that I do not know the answer to...


I'm inclined to think that it is purely gpa, but it would make sense to add awards, honours and what not...still, it would be pretty impossible to quantify that, so gpa is probably the only thing that gets calculated into the 60%.


If anyone has insider knowledge, that would be great.

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that's actually a pretty good question that I do not know the answer to...


I'm inclined to think that it is purely gpa, but it would make sense to add awards, honours and what not...still, it would be pretty impossible to quantify that, so gpa is probably the only thing that gets calculated into the 60%.


If anyone has insider knowledge, that would be great.


Because those other factors (scholarships, research, other awards, etc.) are not required, whereas a solid GPA is, I'd think having those other additions to your application would function to give you "bonus" points on top of your current academic score (GPA-based).


But really.....who knows?

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