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Can a prereq course be completed in year of application?

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invincible, someone from the school replied to my email question on this and I was told you had to complete them this fall for entry in 2010. Apparently pre-reqs couldn't be done in the winter semester of the year you'd start med school. Is this what you meant?

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I was told (via email)that I would be able to, and I am relying on being able to, complete my prerequisites by the end of winter 2010. I was also told that summer 2010 courses would not count (unsurprisingly) I just put them in the prereq section of my application as is.


Are you saying you put the courses you have not completed into OMSAS? I wasn't sure if I should put those pre-reqs in when I have no grade.

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Are you saying you put the courses you have not completed into OMSAS? I wasn't sure if I should put those pre-reqs in when I have no grade.


I placed them in the pre-requisite section, because I felt that it was the only way I could insure that they knew I would indeed meet the requirements by year end (provided I don't magically fail anything o_O). I had put (incourse) beside the ones I am working on, but I seem to think that I had to remove that due to character limitations... I'm not entirely certain

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