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Research: What to put under "Type of Publication"?

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they say they don't even want to see 'paper submitted', or 'paper in progress'


I'm just wondering where you got that from. I think if you're in a research-based graduate program and you've completed enough work to have a first author manuscript submitted, and currently being reviewed, then that's valid! It means you've done a lot of research, and that paper will soon get published.

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Nevermind... read the instructions more thoroughly. That's actually really frustrating, as one of the papers I'm first author on is currently only conditionally accepted, pending revisions, but that still only counts as "submitted".


I almost want to include it anyways.... any thoughts on disregarding their instructions? lol ;)

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To steal this thread from the OP for a moment...


Prion "Do ppl put publication references as its own thing? That particular box has a 100 characters limit but my reference itself is longer than that...."


I put an abbreviated reference, i.e. without the article title. If the adcoms really want to look up your paper, the first author et al, year, journal, issue and page numbers are enough information to do so.

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