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using personal statement from previous year?

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should i use my personal statement from last yr? i did manage to get an interview last yr at UT but i'm still not too comfortable with the ps i used, should i just leave it be?


or would it be weird since there might be a small chance that the same person who read my ps last year may be reading it again this year, and he/she might go "um i rmb this from last yr, if that person didn't get in last yr he prolly sucks" and *throwing it into garbage can*:(

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should i use my personal statement from last yr? i did manage to get an interview last yr at UT but i'm still not too comfortable with the ps i used, should i just leave it be?


or would it be weird since there might be a small chance that the same person who read my ps last year may be reading it again this year, and he/she might go "um i rmb this from last yr, if that person didn't get in last yr he prolly sucks" and *throwing it into garbage can*:(


if nothing important happened in your life over this past year, or if you did not become a better person or candidate, then i dont see why it would be a problem leaving it the same.

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I read somewhere else on the board that they phoned UofT to ask about that and they said they'll account for the fact that you can't plagiarize yourself. You can search 'turnitin' or 'turnitin.com' on the forum to try to find it.


Great. Thanks for the information.

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I read somewhere else on the board that they phoned UofT to ask about that and they said they'll account for the fact that you can't plagiarize yourself. You can search 'turnitin' or 'turnitin.com' on the forum to try to find it.


Thanks for the info. I really hope this is true, because it would suck if it's not. Has anyone phoned in themself and gotten a consistent answer?

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