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GPA Cutoff round up or down?

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The OMSAS scaling system screwed me over by turning all my A's into 3.9...


I have an OMSAS average of 3.58, do you think U of T will toss out my application because of the 3.6 cut off? If they round up, I'll have 3.6 ;)


I wish I put in all my transcript info first before doing the entire autiobiography sketch and essay. grrr...

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ugh - :(


U of T asks the question "Are there any reasons why your transcript does not reflect your true academic ability?"


In the middle of final exams in my third year, I was diagnosed with cancer, which did affect my final exam marks. However, in my final year of university, even though I underwent surgery which was followed by a nasty blood clot, I got my highest GPA. I was inspired by going through the medical system and I knew then that I wanted to pursue medicine - A little late because I had 2 years of mediocre marks (I was more focused on sports, work and other things).


UBC turned me down for "special circumstance consideration" last year because my marks had increased rather than decreased due to my health problem. Which is true, but they ignored the first decrease which had affected my GPA.


I'm afraid U of T will do the same if I share my story and there's always the fear of being seen as 'unfit' for medicine due to my health problem. Which is now resolved (after another surgery and radiation therapy).


Should I even bother trying to answer the question "Are there any reasons why your transcript does not reflect your true academic ability?"

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I'm really sorry to hear that, but I'm glad you're doing well now.


That really sucks that UBC turned you down. From what you said, you've already done the majority of the work on the application. If you have the money, I would apply and answer the "reflection of academic ability" question. You never know what may happen, and you have a legit reason as to why your marks are not reflective. Sometimes the process is not as flexible as it should be, but I guess that's what happens when they get thousands of applicants.

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I am so sorry to hear about that. The OMSAS 4.0-becomes-3.9 thing adversely affected me as well, but not to the same extent as it did you.


Good luck, I hope U of T accepts your explanation of why your transcript doesn't reflect your abilities. It sounds like you went though a lot and excelled in spite of/because of it.

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