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What if you can't find verifiers?

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I've run into a snag in that I'm not able to provide a verifier for all of my volunteer activities. Some of my activities were done awhile back (between 5 and 9 years ago) and I no longer have contact information for the people who would be able to verify these activities. I only ever had their university email addresses, and clearly they've moved on, as my emails to them are bouncing back.


I'm only actually missing verifiers for two things: one is participation in a student society, and the other is a few month stint helping out with Scouting/Guiding. The thing is that the people I did this with aren't high profile people on the internet: I think they moved on from University and work regular jobs somewhere in North America, and google searches aren't showing up anything. I was never that close with any of them, and in particular for the guiding, I can't even think of anyone I know who might know how to get in touch with those people. This was years ago in a city far away.


Does anyone have an idea if all volunteer activities without verifiers ignored? Or are they somewhat forgiving if it's an activity from 8 years ago and you explain that you have attempted to locate a verifier but the contact information you had was outdated?


I don't really like the idea of asking someone I know to simply 'act' as a verifier and say yes I did these activities, it's a bit disingenuous.


Any advice?

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Just write the persons name and Contact Information not available. As these are not activities that are extremely pertinent to your application (i.e. your main volunteering activity) likely they won't mind so much that it cannot be verified. It might not be counted as highly as something that can be verified but like you said they were short-term activities so they won't be thought of as highly as something you've done for a long time period anyway.


Good luck!

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Just write the persons name and Contact Information not available. As these are not activities that are extremely pertinent to your application (i.e. your main volunteering activity) likely they won't mind so much that it cannot be verified. It might not be counted as highly as something that can be verified but like you said they were short-term activities so they won't be thought of as highly as something you've done for a long time period anyway.


Good luck!


Thanks very much for the suggestion! As you mentioned, these aren't exactly my main volunteer activities, so I if they are ignored it won't be too tragic. Still, I would like to include them if only to serve as examples of the variety of activities I have been involved with over the years.

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