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Waitlist Update

Guest ItaliaFever

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Guest ItaliaFever

I just got off the phone with the admissions office, and they said that the second round of offers won't be going out until after the July 3rd deadline. That really threw me offguard so I didn't think to have them clarify, but can anyone on the "inside" confirm this?

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Guest SilverHeart

Isn't July 3rd when provisional offers become firm? That means anyone waiting on Western with a provisional acceptance at another school won't be able to wait and hear from Western...?!?

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Guest Dingalongdong

Yeah, if they wait till early July. They will get less competitive students than if they had started early like everyone else. Curious.

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Guest ItaliaFever

Here's the latest from the admissions office as of 9:30am today (through e-mail):


I asked: "Have any offers gone out since the original May 15th offers? If not, should we expect any movement at all before July 3rd?"


Their response: "No offers have been sent out yet."


Haha is anyone else finding this sense of secrecy somewhat eerie/annoying?

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Guest inukzand

I think this is quite ridiculous. Will the office confirm this? Can somebody who is already a student please inquire. I would phone in but it does say on the email they sent that they will not disclose any information and that we should refrain from phoning in.

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Guest McDreamy

i'm not sure if my last post worked so i'll post again -

i just called in today at 1 pm. I asked if it was true that no further offers since the original May 15th offers would go out until July 3rd. She said, "no, it won't be quite that long, it should be before then". I asked for an estimate, and she said "probably in about a week or so."

Hope that helps!

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Guest jonascarter

I emailed the admissions office last night, asking if any offers will be made before July 3. I just got a response, and it reads:


"We will be starting to make offers from the waitlist shortly.


M Kennard

Admin Assistant


Admissions & Student Affairs

Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry

The University of Western Ontario"


I think someone else on this forum got the exact same answer. It's as if the admissions office has pre-canned answers for our questions.

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Guest NeuroObsessed

Congratulations Doctags!:)

Good luck to the rest of us still stuck in waitlist purgatory... hopefully it wont' be a long wait!

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Guest nostalgia ganam

Got a call from admissions about 3.5 hours ago. sorry for the delay in posting, I was knocked clean!

Yes, I'm in!!


Stats: 33Q


vr 11

ps 11

bs 11

ws Q


OMSAS GPA 3.9 ... usual ECs, scholarships, awards, etc.


all the best for the waitlisted!!

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Guest addie ross

Congrats Nostalgia!! :)

To those still waiting... let's keep hope alive... though it's being thwarted by each passing day..|I

~NeuroObsessed (I think I'm on someone else's account... whoops)

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Guest straightalker

Hey guys,


I'm waitlisted and waiting too. It's unbearable isn't it? I have applied and got accepted to St. George's in Grenada, but for the January class. If things don't work out here, I will most probably head to Grenada.


Let's discuss what all the waitlistees are doing to pass the time until they (hopefully!) get a nice call from Western. I'm currently working up North, conducting research on contaminants in Arctic water bodies.

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Guest McDreamy

At least you're out doing something new, to somewhat get your mind off this whole Waitlist thing... I am AT Western, co-existing with all the med students as they take over the libraries once the undergrads leave... re-writing MCATs. Talk about torture.

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Guest mcpherv

Taking 1.5 non-science courses at Queens in order to meet Western's pre-reqs. Kinda a bit of a grind considering I'm coming off of a semester where I had 6 courses.

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Guest NeuroObsessed

awww McDreamy... I hope that everything works out well for all of us.


I am at U of T doing Cognitive Neuroscience research... trying to recruit subjects :P Good luck everybody! :)

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Guest straightalker

McDreamy, I would stay as far away from Western as possible! Oh heck, in a few days you may be able to call yourself one of those invading medical students :P


I wish they told us our position on the waitlist, atleast generally (top/middle/bottom third of waitlist) so that we could plan accordingly. Looking at past stats, 85-100 students have been called off the waitlist in the past 3 years, so things still look promising. But for the person who is 150th on the waitlist, what point does it serve to keep him/her hanging on an edge?

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Guest mcpherv


Completely agree with you - if I'm far enough down the list that there isn't any likelihood of receiving an offer, I'd without a doubt like to know immediately. I've spent an extra bunch of money on courses I won't need if I have to take the Masters' route, since Western is removing the pre-requisites after this year. Furthermore, since my heart isn't really in it right now, my grades in these courses aren't likely going to be great, which could hurt me down the road when I go to reapply to medicine following a Masters' degree.

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Guest McDreamy

I hear ya about heart not really being in it mcpherv!

That's how I'm feeling about MCATs, and that only calls for one summer's worth of dedication.. I can only imagine the motivation you'd have to muster to dive into a whole 'nother degree right now. Tough break mcpherv. :\


The sad part is, 72% of people on the waitlist never get called. Think about it: 350+ are waitlisted (I forget the exact number now) and about 83 get in. So if it were left to luck alone, which thank god it isn't, odds aren't so perky. Now, to be sure, we are all great candidates, and our odds are, I'm sure, better than the 3 in 10 that would be dictated by luck alone, but..... still. I can't help but dwell on how cruel it is of Western to keep 350+ people hoping... it's unbelievably self-serving.

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Guest mcpherv

Thanks for the sympathy there, McDreamy :D . I know - I'm preaching to the chior here.


I think, from what I understand of the wait list process, that its a little bit better than just strictly the ~83 people being offered positions. Remeber that guys that were originally wait listed may have gotten acceptances from other schools, and could've taken themselves off of Western's. Then, there are the people that were on multiple wait lists, and got offered a position at another school first, etc. That's partly the reason I don't particularly mind that Western is taking longer than some of the others getting wait list offers out (I only had the one interview, unfortunately). Obviously, I don't have the numbers for how much of that actually happens, but I'd imagine a fair bit of it does occur. I'm hoping that it happens enough to warrant putting ~300 people on a waiting list..... Not that I necessarily need that (hopefully :b ), but I guess we'll all see. I wish everyone here good luck.

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