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Interview invite Q

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If one meets UWO's posted cutoffs, what are possible reasons why they would NOT get an interview.


Is there any way that bad extracurriculars or letters of reference could sink you?


I am a little confused, as it says that not all people who meet cutoffs are gueranteed an interview - does anyone know of someone who did meet UWO cutoffs and didn't get an interview?

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I'm not an adcom guy, but if you didn't take a full courseload or if your course levels didn't match your year of study (ie. you took a lot of 1st year courses in your 3rd or 4th year), then perhaps you wouldn't make the cut.


Also, if you're a crimimal you wouldn't get one.

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Just to emphasize what HBP was getting at - they look at your entire year as opposed to each semester, and the majority of your courses over that year (6 or more out of 10) need to be from your current year or higher, otherwise the year cannot be counted in your 2 year GPA.


As long as you have a 1st/2nd year average that meets the cutoffs it won't matter that your 3rd year is ineligible.


Your LORs and Extra Currics won't affect your chances of getting an interview, as they're based on cut-offs, but they'll obviously have an effect on you post-interview.

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I am not a regular poster but definitely a regular visitor. Thank you to everyone who posts on this site, it has been a great tool throughout the interview process.

I have a follow up question from the last post:

Does the GPA have any effect post-interview? If yes, is it a cumulative GPA or the best two years? If it is the best two years, do they still have to be years in which 60% of courses correspond to the year of study?


Any knowledge about this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again.

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I am hoping someone at Western will be able to answer this for me. I received an email today from the adcom asking me to confirm my current status as a grad student. I am currently doing an MBA but I will be withdrawing from my program if accepted to med school (I also sent a letter from my program stating they understand this with my app) and this email made me a little nervous.


I know you must complete any grad work by August to be considered, but an MBA is not like other grad work, so my question is will this be an issue considering I am leaving my current program without finishing it?


Thanks for any help.

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I am hoping someone at Western will be able to answer this for me. I received an email today from the adcom asking me to confirm my current status as a grad student. I am currently doing an MBA but I will be withdrawing from my program if accepted to med school (I also sent a letter from my program stating they understand this with my app) and this email made me a little nervous.


I know you must complete any grad work by August to be considered, but an MBA is not like other grad work, so my question is will this be an issue considering I am leaving my current program without finishing it?


Thanks for any help.


Quite possibly. Typically dropping out of a grad program due to acceptance to medical school is frowned upon. Of course, the only way to get a definite answer is from someone at Schulich, so you'll have to wait and see what they say.

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Your LORs and Extra Currics won't affect your chances of getting an interview, as they're based on cut-offs, but they'll obviously have an effect on you post-interview.


Actually, you can't say that they "obviously" have an effect at all. When Western previously released their acceptance score breakdown, it was split between GPA, MCAT, and the interview. LOR and your OMSAS sketch were not included.


Of course, things could have changed - we don't know because Western doesn't release these details anymore. The point is, a system can definitely exist where LOR and your sketch are not considered.

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I'm doing a Master's which I will finish by August and I got an email today asking whether I'm doing a second undergrad (because that's what my file says). I looked back at my app. and I definitely only have my one undergrad and my Master's on there... I emailed them back and sorted it out, so hopefully that fixes it... I got scared when I read the email :(


Did anyone else have this problem? Did they maybe send the wrong email out (asking me about undergrad instead of grad school)?

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Hi Hercegovka!

I'm also a Master's student right now, and I also got an email. (Comfort in numbers! :D ) In my email, they asked me to confirm that I will be done my coursework and will have defended my thesis by August. I also have an "unfinished B.Sc." (I had to pick up my science courses), but admissions didn't ask about. However, I wouldn't worry too much. As long as you've clarified that you've done your undergrad (honours) degree, and that you'll be done your Master's by August, I think you'll be okay. :) Good luck! ~Duckie

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