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any references still not received?

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I just logged onto my dalonline account and noticed that one of my references still does not say it has been received. Is anyone else in a similar situation?


I checked the tracking number on my canada post package, and it was recorded as received by their office.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Right on. I fired her off an email today just to make sure. I guess I didn't really have any reason to worry since she said she'd call if anything was amiss, but the first year I applied one of my references didn't even send in a letter, so I just wanted to make sure everything was in order. Thanks for the reply!

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So, I just heard that data entry has been completed and one of my references hadn't been recieved. I fired him off an email, and hopefuly it'll be taken care of soon :P.


Just a head up: If you still have a blank field in your dalonline, it would be prudent to look into it.

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The same thing happened to me. I emailed the admissions office and was told to have another copy sent (by fax and mail).


Go Canada Post!


Hey Dan, did they say how that would affect the status/scoring of your application? I know that references aren't worth any points, but it would be a pretty awful outcome if it made our applications incomplete (and therefore ineligible) :S.

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She didn't say anything either way, although I would like to think she would have told me if it made the application ineligible! I guess we wait and see what March holds for us now...


I had the referee send the fax off already (luckily it was my M.Sc. supervisor so she wasn't too hard to track down again). And the letter will be sent registered mail tonight.

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Unfortunately my reference is away in the States on sabbatical, and I'm not 100% sure if I'll be able to get int ouch with him. I've done everything I can, so I guess all that's left to do is sit and wait. It'd be pretty damn rotten to be rendered ineligible because of a mixup by Canada Post.

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Hey Dan, did they say how that would affect the status/scoring of your application? I know that references aren't worth any points, but it would be a pretty awful outcome if it made our applications incomplete (and therefore ineligible) :S.


I feel pretty stupid for not knowing this, but how do you know what is or isn't scored? Could you direct me to that information? I would be most grateful. Also, why do they even ask for references if they don't get scored?

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Your essay, extra-curricular activities, medically related experience, volunteer work, jobs, GPA, MCAT, and MMI are all scored. You also have a chance to get some discretionary points from the admission committee for things like grad work, scholarships, publications, varsity sports, etc. The reference letters as used as a flag rather than scored. So, if you have a problem in a reference letter that could very-well cause you to be rejected but in those cases it is brought to the admissions committee for a decision. It doesn't happen often. But a lot of people don't necessarily know how to ask for a reference letter. I had a professor once that told me "you should never ask for a reference letter, you should ask for a positive reference letter."

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